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03 September 2021

Margaret Tashayawedu - Why Zimbabweans should demonstrate against ED if he comes to the UK.

Why Zimbabweans should demonstrate against ED if he comes to the UK.

Word on the rumour mill is that the current Zimbabwean dictator, Mnangagwa will be making some sort of state visit to the UK very soon. , Munangagwa should prepare himself for the strong resistance that his presence  in the UK will face from Zimbabweans in this country. Our resistence to his presence is based on how he has been leading the country. Under his watch millions of dollars has been looted that could have been used to equipped our floundering hospitals, creat employment for the youth and develop our rural schools.

There is a strong contingent of democrats, human rights activists and MDC Alliance supporters here who will exercise their right to protest against his shoddy leadership. He should know that the UK is not Zimbabwe, and over here no one is scared of him, he won’t be able to use his ZRP goons or the army to shoot protesters.  We will demonstrate on behalf of of other Zimbabweans back home who are not allowed to exercise their constitutional rights to protest over the state of affairs in the country. We  are all sick and tired of  Zanu Pf leadership, they have had fourty one years in leadership but people are worse of. The time has come Zanu PF must go.


About the author; Margaret Tashayawedu is a human rights activist and a member of Restoration of Human Rights (ROHR) Zimbabwe UK Chapter. She is based in the United Kingdom

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