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18 September 2021

Little old Simon Khaya Moyo still chanting “Zimbabwe will never be a colony again”

18th September 2021

On the 24th of August 2021 there was a news article on Nehanda Radio about Simon Khaya Moyo

whereby he was quoted repeating variations of the ZANU-PF mantra ‘Zimbabwe will never be a colony again’. For those who do not know the man, Simon Khaya Moyo is one of the many very old men in ZANU-PF who have been stinking up Zimbabwean politics for 41 years with incompetency and by being out of touch with reality. He looks a bit like papa smurf and is more than 30 years past his sell by date.

So anyway, word on the street is that Khaya Moyo is hoping to become another second Vice President a position which he is perfectly suited on the basis that it’s a position traditionally reserved for  a very old and useless non-Shona person. The last two men who occupied that second VP role were notorious for being absolutely hopeless.

So, what’s happening is that Khaya Moyo is campaigning to get this position, but true to form everything he is saying is not only nonsense but confirmation that he is out of touch with reality. ZANU-PF’s standard propaganda against the MDC Alliance (the genuine one, not the opportunists led by Douglas Mwonzora) involves false accusations that the opposition are bankrolled by the West. So, for Khaya Moyo to say Zimbabwe will never be a colony again during the same week when ZANU-PF have been rubbing their hands with glee at the IMF money they received, is an example of his lack of self-awareness. The fact of the matter is that ZANU-PF are the ones that are selling the country to the highest bidders who so far have been the Chinese. As shown by the events of this week, ZANU-PF will accept money from anyone because they don’t have the know-how of making money using innovative business.

One of the benefits of removing ZANU-PF from power is that the country will no longer need to subsidise the lifestyles of old and useless politicians like Khaya Moyo who have never achieved anything for the Zimbabwean people. As it happens, the oldest most dangerous and useless politician in Zimbabwe is the man who made himself President, and we cannot wait to see the back of him in 2023.
Written By
Nontokozo Malaba Ncube
ROHR Zimbabwe
About the author;-
Nontokozo Malaba Ncube is a human rights activist and a member of Restoration of Human Rights (ROHR) Zimbabwe’s UK Chapter. She is also a member of the opposition MDC Alliance party. She is based in the United Kingdom and can be contacted by email on

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