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04 December 2021

Mnangagwa embarrassed Zimbabwe and himself at COP26

4th December 2021

By Shangoni WaHamisi

It came as no surprise to the average person when Mnangagwa and his delegation of more than 100 to the COP26 Climate Summit in Glasgow embarrassed themselves and were further embarrassed by the demonstrators who sought to tell the world what sort of person he is.

The core business of COP26 was to deliver on the commitments made at COP25 in Madrid in December 2019. It was to get the nations of the world to come up with tangible commitments and deadlines by which they would have met certain targets pertaining to air pollution.

The issue of tackling Climate Change is entails sacrifices and tough choices in order to ensure that there is a world for future generations.

Mnangagwa’s government seems to be heading the opposite direction. Not only has it awarded dubious contracts to the Chinese who have gone on to destroy the environment through irresponsible mining and other activities but it has presided over unprecedented levels of land degradation mainly by the activities of miners, both small scale and large scale.

He has also revived the highly pollutive old trains of the 60’s and introduced them back into the mainstream transport infrastructure.

The water reticulation systems in all cities and towns are on their knees due to neglect and so are sewer systems, leading to the proliferation and prevalence of unhygienic conditions around the country. Electricity outage for sustained periods is the order of the day, leaving the majority of the poor population with no choice but to resort to the use of firewood which, in essence, means more air pollution as well as deforestation.

All this is underpinned by the diversion of public funds to private pockets through corruption which has become a hallmark of Mnangagwa’s tenure. Add to this a whole host of bad policies.

Mnangagwa has created an ecosystem of corruption at the apex of which he sits. Almost all his government’s policies are designed to benefit Mnangagwa, his family, cronies and opportunist ZANU-PF crooks.

Despite all the rhetoric, it is quite clear that Mnangagwa and ZANU-PF are out of their depth and are utterly clueless as to how to turn around Zimbabwe’s fortunes. They just do not know how to behave both at home and in the international arena. They are a shame to the nation.

Their attendance at COP26 in Glasgow was just another episode of their shamelessness hypocrisy. They were more of climate tourists than delegates and their behaviour before and during the summit confirms that. It was all about boozing, partying and grandstanding.

They were hoping to get some funding from the United Nations budget for climate change tackling initiatives, but it was not to be. Just as well they went back to Zimbabwe empty handed. The money would have ended up in their personal accounts anyway.

Faced with an indomitable crowd of determined activists armed with irrefutable records of their atrocious history and an expanse of social media platforms, Mnangagwa and his entourage as well as his local (ZANU-PF UK) stooges (UK) came a cropper.

They were beaten hands down at the demonstrations as well as on all the media “live” panels they dared to participate in. Typically they then started to resort to verbal and physical abuse to the extent of arranging the vandalizing of activists’ property and compiling a list of all the activists that attended the Glasgow demonstrations and some prominent names who were not even there at the COP26 demonstrations in Glasgow.

Glasgow will always haunt them.

About the author;-

Shangoni WaHamisi is a pen name for UK based Zimbabwean human rights activist and Spokesperson for Restoration of Human Rights (ROHR) Zimbabwe. Shangoni WaHamisi can be contacted by email on


4th October 2021

Amongst the activists who are raising the ROHR Zimbabwe flag high is non-other than Mavis

Harrison, the Deputy Organising Secretary for the North Branch of the UK Chapter of ROHR Zimbabwe.

Activism is about fighting for human rights, raising awareness on human rights issues as well as pointing out cases of human rights abuses when they occur.

It also often means working with like-minded organizations and individuals who are also in the same struggle. 

Such has been the case with ROHR Zimbabwe’s relationship with MyRight2Vote, an initiative of the popular Chief Felix Nhlanhlayamangwe Ndiweni who is fronting the fight for the diaspora vote. ROHR Zimbabwe members have participated in a number of activities with the Chief, including demonstrations at the Zimbabwe Embassy in London and petitioning the British Prime Minister at 10 Downing Street (21/10/2021 & 02/12/2021) and COP26 in Glasgow (1st & 2nd November 2021).

We are proud of Mavis Harrison, not only for taking part in these events but also for helping with the publicity of the events.

In one instance where she tweeted about the occasion of Chief Felix Ndiweni presenting a petition at 10 Downing Street on 2nd December 2021, the tweet went viral, earning more than 1000 likes and being re-tweeted more than 200 times within a few hours.

Activism also stimulates dialogue on difficult subjects. It encourages finding solutions and educates people. Judging by the comment section many people are getting educated more about human rights as well as Traditions and Culture and their importance in today's politics.

Commenting on Mavis Harrison's tweet, the popular  France based Zimbabwean hip-hop artist, Awa Khiwe said "So people who are calling @Felix Ndiweni a sell out don't want the people in the diaspora to vote. It is not the first time a Zimbabwean leader has communicated with @BorisJohnson about Zimbabwean issues. Are they also sell outs? I come in peace".

This particular tweet is confirmation of the power of social media as a tool at our disposal as human rights activists. It is more powerful than ZBC and is dreaded by the regime. Little wonder the regime is now introducing the “Patriotic Bill” which once passed will become the Patriotic Act, a piece of law purportedly designed to outlaw what they broadly call “unpatriotic acts” which include criticizing the President or the government of Zimbabwe from abroad. This is exactly what our members and activists do. This includes Mavis Harrison who has been part of most of our demonstrations at the Embassy in London and petitioning at 10 Downing Street.

Inserted by

Information & Publicity Department
ROHR Zimbabwe


28 November 2021


11th November 2021

By Emmaculate Tshuma

It’s not every day that you get an opportunity to confront a dictator in close proximity.

As a human rights activist my dream came true when I first heard the news that Emmerson Mnangagwa, the despotic President of Zimbabwe was to attend the COP26 Climate summit in Glasgow, Scotland from the 1st of November 2021 to 14th November 2021 (That is what we heard in the early days but it later turned out that he was to attend until the 3rd November at the very latest).

I relished the opportunity to confront him face to face. I cannot mention some of the things that raced through my mind, lest I fall foul of the law.“Evil to the hilt” is the best I can say of them within the confines of the law.

You know, I can trace all my suffering to this evil man, Emmerson Mnangagwa and his ZANU-PF party. I am here in the UK because of him and his party. I hail from a country where sunshine is a given, yet I find myself in a foreign country that is not only cold, but where the immigration system is deliberately hostile. I have had to live like an unwanted person in a foreign land for what seems to be eternity and I blame it all on Emmerson Mnangagwa and Robert Mugabe before him. Infact, I should be saying “ZANU-PF” because it is the umbrella under which both evil men fall.

It is hard enough being Zimbabwean in these times, but it is much worse being from the minority in Matabeleland. It is almost like a curse. Genocide happened in our part of the country in the 80’s authored by Robert Mugabe and the very Emmerson Mnangagwa who was then Minister of State Security. Lest I digress, I will not dwell on it much in this piece except to name it - Gukurahundi. I will leave it for another day.

Back to COP26, when I heard the Devil Emmerson Mnangagwa would attend, I braced myself for a big fight. I relished the opportunity to confront him. I imagined all sorts of scenarios and possibilities and, strangely, one of them involved raw eggs.

I cannot describe the excitement but Monday 1st November 2021 and Tuesday 2nd November 2021 will forever be etched in my mind for I was part of a demonstration at COP26 where, together with more than a hundred other Zimbabweans we were able to confront Mnangagwa as well as tell the true Zimbabwean story to the rest of the world. We thwarted his scheduled attendance at a gala meant for him at Trades Hall in Glasgow on Tuesday 2nd November 2021. We exposed him for the devil he is and we got international press coverage in the process.

I would like to thank my fellow ROHR Zimbabwe members, MDCA members, ZHRO members, ZAPU members and indeed independent or non-aligned Zimbabweans that all came together to make our demonstration over the 2 days such a resounding success.

I have received threats after that and so have many of my fellow demonstrators but so far I count myself relatively lucky because some have had worse experience. For example Shepherd Yuda’s car was vandalized the night he arrived back home in Middlesbrough. His second car was pasted with row eggs. Vongayi Mufara was awake the whole night on Tuesday 2nd November 2021 into the morning of Wednesday 3rd November 2021 because some people were making strange intimidating noises outside her bedroom window. Nontokozo Malaba Ncube, just like me, was receiving strange calls from strange +263 and +44 numbers. Your guess is as good as mine as to who the perpetrators are but I cannot mention them lest I jeopardize ongoing investigations.

We remain resolute in our quest for the Restoration of Human Rights in Zimbabwe. I for one will not be deterred by the threats as long as I am not physically in Zimbabwe.

The struggle continues.

About the author:-

Emmaculate Tshuma is a Zimbabwean human rights activist based in the United Kingdom. She is a member of Restoration of Human Rights (ROHR) Zimbabwe and belongs the North Branch of the UK Chapter. She can be contacted via email; -

18 September 2021

Little old Simon Khaya Moyo still chanting “Zimbabwe will never be a colony again”

18th September 2021

On the 24th of August 2021 there was a news article on Nehanda Radio about Simon Khaya Moyo

whereby he was quoted repeating variations of the ZANU-PF mantra ‘Zimbabwe will never be a colony again’. For those who do not know the man, Simon Khaya Moyo is one of the many very old men in ZANU-PF who have been stinking up Zimbabwean politics for 41 years with incompetency and by being out of touch with reality. He looks a bit like papa smurf and is more than 30 years past his sell by date.

So anyway, word on the street is that Khaya Moyo is hoping to become another second Vice President a position which he is perfectly suited on the basis that it’s a position traditionally reserved for  a very old and useless non-Shona person. The last two men who occupied that second VP role were notorious for being absolutely hopeless.

So, what’s happening is that Khaya Moyo is campaigning to get this position, but true to form everything he is saying is not only nonsense but confirmation that he is out of touch with reality. ZANU-PF’s standard propaganda against the MDC Alliance (the genuine one, not the opportunists led by Douglas Mwonzora) involves false accusations that the opposition are bankrolled by the West. So, for Khaya Moyo to say Zimbabwe will never be a colony again during the same week when ZANU-PF have been rubbing their hands with glee at the IMF money they received, is an example of his lack of self-awareness. The fact of the matter is that ZANU-PF are the ones that are selling the country to the highest bidders who so far have been the Chinese. As shown by the events of this week, ZANU-PF will accept money from anyone because they don’t have the know-how of making money using innovative business.

One of the benefits of removing ZANU-PF from power is that the country will no longer need to subsidise the lifestyles of old and useless politicians like Khaya Moyo who have never achieved anything for the Zimbabwean people. As it happens, the oldest most dangerous and useless politician in Zimbabwe is the man who made himself President, and we cannot wait to see the back of him in 2023.
Written By
Nontokozo Malaba Ncube
ROHR Zimbabwe
About the author;-
Nontokozo Malaba Ncube is a human rights activist and a member of Restoration of Human Rights (ROHR) Zimbabwe’s UK Chapter. She is also a member of the opposition MDC Alliance party. She is based in the United Kingdom and can be contacted by email on

The IMF USD1bn could be used to fund a military crackdown before and during 2023 election

18th September 2021

The rumours going around on social media indicate that ZANU-PF are a bit concerned with the events

in Zambia where an opposition party leader beat the incumbent (Edgar Lungu).  Before the announcement of the election results, it appeared Lungu was trying to rig the result but within days the results were announced and Lungu had no choice but to accepted defeat.

The way politics in Africa works is that the incumbent usually has complete control of the military, police and judiciary who are the people who uphold and enforce the electoral result.  What happened in Zambia is that this state apparatus deserted Lungu in favour of the opposition leader. This is something that definitely bothered Mnangagwa which is why it took him long to congratulate Hichilema. In ZANU-PF’s eyes, the unthinkable happened i.e., the military rejected a sitting president, similar to what happened to Mugabe in 2017 but in a general election.  ZANU-PF was hoping that the Zambian military and state apparatus would rig the election and ignore the public vote, something Mnangagwa and company have been doing since 1980. This is why the regime’s loudmouths have been jittery and going on the offensive on social media.

Seeing the events in Zambia unfold, will definitely compel Mnangagwa and his generals to prepare the military and state apparatus to act in his favour come 2023. This will include paying the generals huge bonuses, buying them new cars, and giving them free money via tenders. In addition, the military and police will most likely receive new weapons and kit which they will use to crackdown on the opposition.

What this means is that we in the opposition need to keep an eye on how this USD1bn is being spent and publicising to the world about any dodgy spending of this IMF money by ZANU-PF. We have had enough of ZANU-PF and we want them gone!!!



Written by

Nontokozo Malaba Ncube
ROHR Zimbabwe Activist


About the author;-

Nontokozo Malaba Ncube is a human rights activist and a member of Restoration of Human Rights (ROHR) Zimbabwe’s UK Chapter. She is also a member of the opposition MDC Alliance party. She is based in the United Kingdom and can be contacted by email on


ZANU-PF could use the IMF USD1bn to fund their 2023 election campaign, including the rigging

18th September 2021

By Nontokozo Malaba Ncube

A number of political observers have focused on the likelihood that ZANU-PF will use the IMF money to ‘fund’ agriculture and mining. For those who may not be in the know, in Zimbabwe, agriculture and mining are the sectors which ZANU-PF uses to steal money from the state. And it’s not like this IMF money is going to be guarded against corruption while it’s at the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe. The Minister of Finance has a history of taking people’s money. Moreover, the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe is not safe from ZANU-PF. It’s essentially their personal bank. It is most likely that ZANU-PF is going to steal this IMF money through their usual scams in agriculture and mining. But many people are failing to see that this money could also be used by ZANU-PF to fund their 2023 election campaign.

As long as this USD1bn from the IMF is at the Reserve Bank, ZANU-PF will toy with it. Political analysts believe that ZANU-PF steals public money for two reasons; to line their pockets and those of their families, friends, and mistresses, and to keep themselves in power. We already know that a lot of this money is going to be stolen by Mnangagwa, his kinsmen and the cartel around him. But with an election less than 2 years away, ZANU-PF will use some of this money to fund their campaign of violence and the rigging. They will buy beer and trinkets for the hapless youths to “motivate” them to engage in violence against perceived opponents of the ZANU-PF government. They will buy 4x4s for chiefs and political commissars across the country. A significant part of this election war chest will be funding the electoral rigging. This often involves bribing officials at the ZEC and hiring dodgy companies from Russia or such like to rig the election behind the scenes.

As such, all democrats and the genuine opposition in Zimbabwe need to do their own fundraising to be able to compete with what ZANU-PF has. Without money we have no chance in the 2023 election. For the sake of the country, and future generations, ZANU-PF needs to be removed the same way Zambia got rid of its useless President and his party few weeks ago.




Nontokozo Malaba Ncube

ROHR Zimbabwe Activist


About the author;-

Nontokozo Malaba Ncube is a human rights activist and a member of Restoration of Human Rights (ROHR) Zimbabwe’s UK Chapter. She is also a member of the opposition MDC Alliance party. She is based in the United Kingdom and can be contacted by email on


As ROHR Zimbabwe we are very concerned with the treatment Simba Mujakachi is getting at the hands of an unsympathetic immigration system. To us he could be a son, brother, nephew etc.. What is happening to him can happen to anyone who is still in the process of seeking asylum in this country. 
We are an organisation that fights for human rights. We believe Simba Mujakachi is being unfairly and inhumanly treated by an unsympathetic immigration system which has forced the NHS to send Simba a bill of £100,000.00. 
Simba’s story is well covered by the media and can be found on this link. People seeking asylum go through a lot and Simba's story is evidence of how hostile the immigration system is. We are not only standing with Simba because he is a Zimbabwean. We can do this for anyone but this one hits us hard because it is closer to home. We have a great relationship with RtR and TWMF as we all fight for the same cause and our members have worked and continue to work directly with Simba. They describe him as an intelligent amazing young man whose life has been affected by this insensitive immigration system. He is now living in anxiety with a £100,000 bill on his shoulders We are asking the UK government to be more sympathetic to this young man and all people in his situation. Reality is that, with his medical condition, he will never be able to work, let alone pay this bill even if he was to be given the right to work. JUSTICE FOR SIMBA

03 September 2021

Margaret Tashayawedu - Why Zimbabweans should demonstrate against ED if he comes to the UK.

Why Zimbabweans should demonstrate against ED if he comes to the UK.

Word on the rumour mill is that the current Zimbabwean dictator, Mnangagwa will be making some sort of state visit to the UK very soon. , Munangagwa should prepare himself for the strong resistance that his presence  in the UK will face from Zimbabweans in this country. Our resistence to his presence is based on how he has been leading the country. Under his watch millions of dollars has been looted that could have been used to equipped our floundering hospitals, creat employment for the youth and develop our rural schools.

There is a strong contingent of democrats, human rights activists and MDC Alliance supporters here who will exercise their right to protest against his shoddy leadership. He should know that the UK is not Zimbabwe, and over here no one is scared of him, he won’t be able to use his ZRP goons or the army to shoot protesters.  We will demonstrate on behalf of of other Zimbabweans back home who are not allowed to exercise their constitutional rights to protest over the state of affairs in the country. We  are all sick and tired of  Zanu Pf leadership, they have had fourty one years in leadership but people are worse of. The time has come Zanu PF must go.


About the author; Margaret Tashayawedu is a human rights activist and a member of Restoration of Human Rights (ROHR) Zimbabwe UK Chapter. She is based in the United Kingdom

09 August 2021

#ZimbabweHeroesDay2021 by Vongayi Mufara


Heroes' Day is a public holiday in Zimbabwe observed on the second Monday in August.
This is a day of remembrance and commemoration of the commitment of Zimbabweans to the struggle for Independence during which thousands perished. The war ended in 1980 when Rhodesia was renamed Zimbabwe when it officially gained independence from Britain. It is estimated that over 10,000 guerrilla fighters lost their lives and over 20,000 civilians were killed. We salute all our Heroes both dead and alive, who sacrificed everything for the birthing of Zimbabwe.

The current situation prevailing in Zimbabwe, which has been characterized by militarization of key state institutions, closure of the democratic space, persecution of dissenting voices, weaponization of the judiciary, gross corruption and plunder of national resources while the majority wallow in abject poverty serves to betray the aspirations of the Heroes who went to war to fight against colonialism for the freedom of all Zimbabweans regardless of political affiliation. Our Heroes did not fight for freedom of ZANU-PF elites only but they fought for the freedom of all Zimbabweans who are now displaced everywhere stateless because of the rogue ZANU-PF government.

I call upon the government of Zimbabwe not to politicise the Heroes status and to recognize all political, social, economic, sports and community heroes regardless of their political affiliation.

Happy Heroes day to all those who continue to fight for justice, freedom and prosperity of Zimbabwe. We want our Zimbabwe back lets continue to fight freedom is coming.


About the author

Vongayi Mufara is a prominent Zimbabwean human rights activist and the Secretary for Information & Publicity for the UK Chapter of Restoration of Human Rights (ROHR) Zimbabwe. She is also the Organizing Secretary for the Scotland Branch of the UK Chapter of ROHR Zimbabwe. She writes in her personal capacity in this instance.
She can be contacted by email; -

18 July 2021

PRESS STATEMENT - Fight the Flight (Zimbabwe Community Appeal Working Group – UK - 17 July 2021)


******* PRESS STATEMENT - Fight the Flight *******

(Zimbabwe Community Appeal Working Group – UK - 17 July 2021)

The Home Office appear to have ‘changed’ policy with respect to Zimbabwean Nationals in the UK.

As far as we know 150 Zimbabweans have been detain and awaiting a chartered flight to Harare, Zimbabwe on 21st July – in three days.

Therefore, a working group with members from ZHRO, ROHR, MDC-A and ZAPU was put together on 14 July 2021 and mandated by its members, other Zimbabweans living in the UK and various organisations to coordinate efforts to stop the deportation of people back to Zimbabwe – ‘Fight the Flight.’ This will be done through the courts, advocacy and lobbying of various groups and entities.

The Home Office assessment of the conditions in Zimbabwe that removals will face is predominantly based on the situation in 2016 plus a few minor updates. In practice the situation in Zimbabwe is far worse that they have considered.

Such bodies as the US Embassy in Harare, Amnesty International and our own MP’s have made it abundantly clear that Zimbabwe is in the grip of several concurrent crises – political violence perpetrated by the ruling Zanu PF party, economic crisis, medical chaos caused by looting of funds and resources and judicial corruption which mainly favours the ruling elite and their looting/land grabbing.

Our question is “HOW, given the information below, are the Home Office, able to assert that those removed will be catered for or simply abused on arrival?” It would appear that the ruling Zanu PF have claimed that these removals will be helped on arrival. But the Home Office appear to have accepted this [false] promise at face value – whereas others are citing proven and regular abuses.

Below are web links to those body’s reports on the Zimbabwe crisis for your consideration. These are just a fraction of the evidence that the Home Office cannot seem to recognise. Appendix 1 has some direct quotes from these links.

The recent report published in 2021 on Human Rights by the United States Embassy in Zimbabwe makes ‘difficult’ reading in terms of the abuse that opposition members face and of injustices across many aspects of their constitution.

Hansard reports on all Government Debates, this is March 2021 yet still the Home Office is deaf to the evidence

Amnesty International’s 2020 Report on Zimbabwe                     6th March 2021 Human Rights Watch cites mass evictions                                                                                                                                           12th February 2021 Journalist Exposes Endemic Corruption in Zimbabwe.

Prepared by the coordinating team for Zimbabwe Community appeal

Edgar Makuni - MDC A Coordinator, Southern Region 07776 970763

John Burke- ZHRO – 07886 801 609

Vimbai Mamombe - MDC A UK, 07594 346 814

Olive Ruzvidzo - MDC A Leicester, 07443 490259

Shamiso Moyo - MDC A Coventry, 07732753519

Leo Ndlovu - ZAPU European Coordinator   07771 449362

Lillian Nleya – ROHR Zimbabwe 07853 155 145

Vongayi Mufara - ROHR Zimbabwe Scotland 07309990505

Nicolate Gwati - ROHR Zimbabwe 07871849489

Davidson Sedze - MDCA UK 07428118050

Yeukai Manhunzi - MDCA Slough 07824886092

Appendix 1

Recent Zimbabwe News and Developing Crisis.

By U.S. Embassy in Zimbabwe on 31st March 2021 Topics: Human Rights, News, Press Releases, Reports, U.S. & Zimbabwe

“Despite incremental improvements from past elections, domestic and international observers noted serious concerns and called for further reforms necessary to meet regional and international standards for democratic elections. Numerous factors contributed to a flawed overall election process, including: the Zimbabwe Election Commission’s lack of independence; heavily biased state media favoring the ruling party; voter intimidation; unconstitutional influence of tribal leaders; disenfranchisement of alien and diaspora voters; failure to provide a preliminary voters roll in electronic format; politicization of food aid; security services’ excessive use of force; and lack of precision and transparency around the release of election results.”

“Significant human rights issues included: unlawful or arbitrary killings of civilians by security forces; torture and arbitrary detention by security forces; cases of cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment; harsh and life-threatening prison conditions; political prisoners or detainees; arbitrary or unlawful interference with privacy; serious problems with the independence of the judiciary; serious government restrictions on free expression, press, and the internet, including violence, threats of violence, or unjustified arrests or prosecutions against journalists, censorship, site blocking, and the existence of criminal libel laws; substantial interference with the rights of peaceful assembly and freedom of association; restrictions on freedom of movement; restrictions on political participation; widespread acts of corruption; lack of investigation of and accountability for violence against women; crimes involving violence or threats of violence targeting women and girls, and the existence of laws criminalizing consensual same-sex sexual conduct between adults, although not enforced.”

“Impunity remained a problem. The government took very few steps to identify or investigate officials who committed human rights abuses, and there were no reported arrests or prosecutions of such persons.”

“Human rights groups reported government agents continued to perpetrate physical and psychological torture on labor leaders and opposition party members during abductions. Reported torture methods included sexual assault; beating victims with sticks, clubs, cables, gun butts, and sjamboks (a heavy whip); falanga (beating the soles of the feet); forced consumption of human excrement; and oral chemical poisoning, as well as pouring corrosive substances on exposed skin.”

“According to NGOs, food shortages were widespread in prisons but not life threatening. Prisoners identified as malnourished received additional meals. The harvest of prison farm products provided meals for prisoners. Protein was in short supply, particularly meat. Prisoners’ access to clean water varied by prison. NGOs worked with prisons to provide enhanced water-collection systems.”

“Diarrhea was prevalent in most prisons. Diseases such as measles, tuberculosis, and HIV/AIDS-related illnesses were highest in those with the poorest conditions. Lighting and ventilation were inadequate. There were insufficient mattresses, blankets, warm clothing, sanitary supplies, and hygiene products.”

“Judicial corruption was widespread, extending beyond magistrates and judges. For example, NGOs reported senior government officials undermined judicial independence, including by giving homes, farms, and agricultural machinery to judges.”

“The constitution provides for the right to a fair and public trial, but political pressure and corruption frequently compromised this right. By law defendants enjoy a presumption of innocence, although courts did not always respect this right.”

“There were reports of individuals arrested for political reasons, including opposition party officials, their supporters, NGO workers, journalists, civil society activists, and labor leaders. Authorities sometimes detained such individuals for one or two days and released them without charge. Political prisoners and detainees did not receive the same standard of treatment as other prisoners or detainees, and prison authorities arbitrarily denied visitor access to political prisoners. There were reports police beat and physically abused political and civil society activists while they were in detention.”

Hansard reports on all Government Debates, this is March 2021 yet still the Home Office is deaf to the evidence

Amnesty International’s 2020 Report on Zimbabwe

“The authorities used COVID-19 regulations to justify severe restrictions on the rights to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly. They deployed security forces to abduct, assault and torture perceived critics, and opposition members and leaders. Police and security agents killed at least 10 people. Women were denied access to essential maternal health care, and violence against women and girls was widespread.”

“A joint team comprised of agents of the police, military, the Central Intelligence Organisation, and the Office of the President, known as the “Ferret Team”, terrorized government critics, opposition leaders and activists, and their family members. Many, including several members of the main opposition party, Movement for Democratic Change-Alliance (MDC-A), were abducted from police custody, tortured and dumped far from their homes.”

6th March 2021 Human Rights Watch cites mass evictions

“(Johannesburg) – The Zimbabwe government is evicting thousands of people from an indigenous minority group from their communal land, Human Rights Watch said today. The order affects more than 13,000 people of the Shangani minority.”

“On February 26, 2021, the Local Government, Urban and Rural development Minister, July Moyo, published a legal notice ordering thousands of people occupying approximately 12,940 hectares of Chilonga communal land in Chiredzi, southeastern Zimbabwe, to leave immediately unless they acquire fresh rights of use or occupation to that land. The legal notice, Statutory Instrument 50 of 2021, said the land was being set aside for lucerne grass production – farming grass for stockfeed.”

““The Zimbabwean government should stop these evictions that ignore the rights of indigenous communities and would leave thousands of people destitute and vulnerable – particularly during the Covid-19 pandemic,”” said Dewa Mavhinga, Southern Africa director at Human Rights Watch. “”The government should ensure that any eviction process is carried out only when it is strictly necessary, and follows due process, adequate prior consultation with those affected, adequate compensation, and provision of alternative land.””

12th February 2021 Journalist Exposes endemic Corruption in Zimbabwe.

Hopewell Chin’ono, a top Zimbabwean journalist, has been honored with a media award following his reporting last year which unearthed a corruption scandal concerning the government’s procurement of COVID-19 material.

Chin’ono’s story led to the firing of the southern African country’s then Health Minister Obadiah Moyo who was implicated in the scandal.

The prize is dubbed the People Journalist for Informed Community 2020 Award.

The Nigerian scribe was awarded for his story on the “draconian” Infectious Diseases Bill under consideration by Nigeria’s House of Representatives during the COVID-19 lockdown.

Soon after receiving the news, Chin’ono said: “I feel humbled to be a recipient of such an important continental award conferred by Africans.”

“I would like to thank journalists who assisted me in piecing the stories together, and the citizens who provided vital information,” the journalist said on Twitter.

Recently released from jail on bail following accusations that he wrongly tweeted about a police officer who allegedly killed a child while enforcing lockdown regulations, Chin’ono is famed for regularly taking to Twitter, exposing the Zimbabwean regime’s corruption scandals.

He was arrested three times in last six months.







14 July 2021


 14th July 2021

ROHR Zimbabwe is gravely concerned about the impending deportation / removal of some Zimbabweans to Zimbabwe by the Home Office of the government of the United Kingdom.

It has come to our attention that since the week commencing 5th July 2021, the Home Office enforcement unit has been detaining large numbers of Zimbabweans for the purpose of deporting / removing them on chartered flights the first of which is scheduled to depart on Wednesday 21st July 2021. Those being targeted are mainly those without leave to remain and / or have no live leave to remain applications filed with the Home Office. Top of the list are those with a criminal record in the United Kingdom.

What is disturbing about this move by the Home Office is not only that it gives no regard to the fact that the deportees’ lives are in danger when they get to Zimbabwe but also that this development is pursuant to a bilateral arrangement between the notorious government of Zimbabwe and the government of the United Kingdom. The clandestine nature of the operation and the speed at which it is being executed appears to be designed to give the victims little to no chance of access to legal representation.

There is no gainsaying the fact that the Government of Zimbabwe has an atrocious human rights record with so many recorded cases of state sponsored murder, abductions, enforced disappearances, torture, rape, excessive pre-trial incarceration and general persecution of those perceived to be enemies of the state. In this category fall members of opposition political parties, human rights activists, journalists and the diaspora community. The diaspora community in particular is accused of being sell outs mainly because they publicly speak out against the human rights violations of the repressive Zimbabwean government state agencies and the ruling party, ZANU-PF thereby exposing the Zimbabwean government’s ugly human rights record to the international community.

For the avoidance of doubt we wish to draw attention to the dossier of some of the human rights violations by the Mnangangwa regime since he ascended to power on the back of a military coup in November 2017. In a short space of time, Emmerson Mnangagwa has outperformed his notorious predecessor, Robert Mugabe in persecuting perceived enemies of the state who happen to be innocent and unarmed civilians of all walks of life. The dossier can be accessed via the following hyperlink;- .

More recent record of human rights violations by the government of Zimbabwe can be accessed via the monthly reports by ZimRights here or on the 2021 ZimRights monthly reports for June, April, March, February and January.

We urge the Home Office to immediately stop deportations / removals to Zimbabwe until such a time there has been a change in the human rights situation in Zimbabwe.

We also ask all residents of the United Kingdom to support all the initiatives that the Zimbabwean community in the United Kingdom will come up with to fight against these deportations / removals

It is our considered view that the deportees face imminent danger if they return to Zimbabwe.



By Information & Publicity Department
Contact: - Panyika Anselm Karimanzira
Restoration of Human Rights (ROHR) Zimbabwe
Mobile: - +447538534375
Email: -
Email: -


26 June 2021

Alvina Chibhamu - International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking

 26 June 2021

Drug abuse is life-threatening and the most problematic cause of death in the world. It impacts millions and need to be treated carefully to prevent further harm coming to people and steer them to lead a better life. As we commemorate World Drug Day, this year‘s theme is #ShareFactsOnDrugs to #SaveLives, focusing on the importance of awareness of the effects on drugs and the dangers thereof, how to prevent, treat and care for people with substance abuse.

Where progressive countries’ governments are doing something- putting measures to curb drug and substance abuse such as prohibition fares, webinars organised by the police, drug abuse talks from experts, counselling for people and young adults in addiction centres in a bid to ensure a sound rehabilitation of people suffering from substance abuse. In Zimbabwe however, the police and securty agents are complicit. They are the chielf perpetrators of corruption, receiving bribes from drug lords and drug rings not to arrest them, a sad state of affairs. Zimbabwe’s economic crisis, along with the Covid19 pandemic, has exacerbated the drug abuse epidemic as people have lost their will to live, as long as Zanu-PF government in still in place. This very government, supposed to look out for its people are responsible for looting funds meant for their welfare, to repair the nearly non-existent healthcare system. Consequently, the increased drug and substance abuse causes a rise in social problem in most cities, with the youth milling the streets, high teenage pregnancy, increased exposure to HIV?AIDS, addicts indulging their drug habit by engaging in petty crime.

Covid-19 pandemic saw an increase in the number of drug use as people struggled to cope in the lockdown. People who previously used drugs and those with drug-use disorders were particularly vulnerable. The combination of the two caused an accelerated shift in the pre-existing trafficking dynamics across the whole global drug market. During the Covid-19 pandemic however, the increased prominence of technology helped with innovations developing new ways to treat people with drug-use disorders. But many people from low-income countries, particularly in Africa, do not have access to controlled medicine. We must forge for greater international co-operation, let us all continue bridging the digital divide to extend the benefits of technology to all.

The abuse of drugs and illicit trafficking is a huge loophole in the systems of many countries, many lives have been lost and or destroyed because of it. We need to work on bridging the gap between what is happening now and provision of a global ‘health for all’. Let us all play a role in overcoming the “World Drug” problem by educating the youth about the potential health risks of drug use and raising awareness -know the facts and be in good stead to :





 Author: Alvina Chibhamu is a human rights activist and the Secretary of Restoration of Human Rights (ROHR) Zimbabwe’s UK Chapter. She is based in the United Kingdom and can be contacted by email on


The International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking - 26 June 2021

By Vongayi Mufara

26th June 2021

The 26th of June every year marks The International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking. It is a day to share research findings, evidence-based data, and lifesaving facts. It is a day set aside for the international society to continue tapping into a shared spirit of solidarity, among other things. The theme for 2021 is “Share Facts on Drugs, Save Lives”.

With many young people battling drug addiction in the world, drug abuse among the youth in Zimbabwe has reached alarming crisis levels with the number of youths engaging in drug abuse increasing yearly. Economic hardships and the outbreak of Covid19 pandemic highly contributed to the country’s growing drug abuse problems. Approximately 94% of the Zimbabwean population is unemployed and the economic conditions continue to shrink leaving the youth unemployed with nothing productive to engage in, driving them to using drugs. When the Covid19 pandemic lockdown started in March 2020, it left most school-going children not going to school. The Zimbabwean government did not put any measures in place to make sure that children continue to engage in educational activities. Most scholars around the world engaged in online learning and online social activities but sadly, this was not the situation in Zimbabwe-no provisions were made. Most school going age children would be seen roaming the streets and engaging in unpleasant activities such as drug abuse and teenage sex.

According to most locals and parents, crystal methamphetamine popularly known as “guka makafela” or “mutoriro”, among other drugs such as codeine which is a cough-based syrup are brought into the country by cross boarder smugglers from South Africa. The Zimbabwean government does not police the entirety of the boarders and chose to turn a blind eye, collect bribes and allow the drugs to penetrate our boarders. Locals know drug dealers in their communities and have also approached the Police, but it is believed that the distributors are bribing the security forces to turn a blind eye to these activities. These drugs remain unaffordable to the average person and yet despite the steep cost people still manage to purchase these highly addictive drugs so they can just while up time and numb the pain brought about by the poverty situation.

Young people who persistently abuse substances often experience an array of problems which include academic issues, health related problems and even drug related deaths. Declining grades, absenteeism from school and potential dropouts of school is the current situation in Zimbabwe. Health related problems like the transmission of HIV/AIDS are very common as many substance-abusing youth engage in behaviours that places them at risk of contracting HIV/AIDS or other sexually transmitted diseases. Despite the collapsing economy, there has been more drug related crimes in Zimbabwe and if measures to curb drug misuse are not put in place, Zimbabwe will be counted among the leading drug trafficking countries.

Zimbabwe’s health system has been found wanting. The hospitals cannot treat drug addicts and do not have the facilities and resources like rehabilitation centres. This causes the situation to continue unabated. Drug induced mental health issues are now commonplace. Most drug users’ relapse when they go back to the townships where they have nothing to do and are peer-pressured to start abusing drugs. The situation continues to worsen as the government turns a blind eye and continue to loot public funds meant for hospitals and rehabilitation centres. The few private owned rehabilitation centres are expensive, especially for the young unemployed people in townships.

I call upon the Zimbabwean government to play a constructive role in acting against drug trade in the country. Not only in the interest of its state institutions, but in the long-term interest of the wellbeing of its own people. The Zimbabwean government should dedicate and avail resources to counter drug trafficking to avoid the longer-term consequences of continued demand for drugs which is currently being facilitated by the current socio-economic conditions which the traffickers are currently riding on. The Zimbabwean government should start discussions and debate in parliament on how to prevent drug trafficking and drug related health issues and death. I call upon the government to allocate funding to promote recovery and mitigate the harm that is caused by drugs in the community.

According to the 2021 world drug report by 2030 demographic factors project the number of people using drugs to rise by 40% in Africa alone. Drug trafficking is a regional and international crisis. It requires cooperation with other nations. Zimbabwe should develop policies which improves its relationships with its neighbours and the larger international community. It should start working with neighbouring countries such as South Africa, Mozambique, Zambia, Malawi, Botswana to develop modern infrastructure which makes drug smuggling difficult. I would recommend the Zimbabwean Government to take the lead.

We can tackle the drug problem in Zimbabwe if we work together.





About the author

Vongayi Mufara is a prominent Zimbabwean human rights activist and the Secretary for Information & Publicity for the UK Chapter of Restoration of Human Rights (ROHR) Zimbabwe. She is also the Organizing Secretary for the Scotland Branch of the UK Chapter of ROHR Zimbabwe. She writes in her personal capacity in this instance.
She can be contacted by email; -

20 June 2021

ROHR Zimbabwe activists participate in “These Walls Must Fall” Campaign re-launch in Manchester event – 19th May 2021.

20th June 2021

One of the main human rights issues facing our activists in the UK is the rough journey most have to travel in the fight for the right to asylum, which is a human right in accordance with article 14 of the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights

The journey is fraught with obstacles underpinned by a deliberate policy by government to create a hostile environment for asylum seekers and refugees in particular and other classes of immigrants in general.

Whilst ROHR Zimbabwe’s core business is the fight for human rights in Zimbabwe, our activists often find themselves having to extend their fight to universal human rights issues and platforms.

One such platform is the campaign for the abolition of detention as a form of immigration control.

Detention serves no purpose other than to destroy the lives of those affected. It costs the taxpayer huge sums annually and yet it still does not achieve what it is purported to exist for.

When some of our activists got wind of the UK wide “These Walls Must Fall” (T.W.M.F) campaign, they decided to join the campaign and some took up positions of responsibility in the campaign.

One such is Magadaline (Maggy) Moyo who took up the role of Organizer for Manchester for “T.W.M.F.” under the employment and tutelage of Right to Remain and Detention Action.

Magadaline (Maggy) Moyo set about mobilising various migrant community groups and individuals in Manchester and environs. This resulted in community groups and activists coming together to relaunch the campaign in Manchester culminating in the virtual re-launch event on Zoom in the evening on Wednesday 19th May 2021.

Also directly involved in the mobilization for the re-launch event were other ROHR Zimbabwe activists Vengai Mutsawu, Nontokozo Malaba Ncube and Mavis Harrison (Tshuma) and activists from other countries like Uganda, Kenya, Pakistan and Nigeria just to name a few.

The re-launch event was also supported by “T.W.M.F.” campaigners from neighbouring Liverpool, Sheffield and South Yorkshire whose Organizers Rosie Huzzard and Veecka Smith helped coordinate this re-launch event.

The event was very lively with Vengai Mutsawu, Nontokozo Malaba Ncube and Mavis Harrison (Tshuma) sharing their touching personal experiences and urging activists to unite in the fight for the abolition of detention for immigration purposes. Many other activists from different nationalities also shared their stories.

Guest speakers at the re-launch event were Afzal Khan - MP for Manchester Gorton, Jane Traies – author, researcher and campaigner, Phillip Jones – campaigner and Founder of First Wednesday and Panyika Anselm Karimanzira a Board member and spokesperson for ROHR Zimbabwe and former Management Committee member of Right to Remain (RtR).

One of the Masters of Ceremony, Rosie Huzzard, when introducing one of the speakers, Panyika Karimanzira, alluded to the past successful campaigns run by ROHR Zimbabwe some of which led to the issues being debated in the House of Commons of the British Parliament as an example of how campaigns can produce results.

A solicitor from GMIAU, Ryan Bestford also spoke at the event.

The event concluded at a high note with a common resolve to unite and consolidate the “These Walls Must Fall” campaign in Manchester and to use it as a common platform to fight for the abolition of detention as a tool in immigration control and to fight against the unjust treatment of people seeking asylum.

By Information & Publicity Department
Restoration of Human Rights (ROHR) Zimbabwe

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