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18 October 2020

ROHR Zimbabwe Scotland Branch Zoom Meeting - 10.10.2020 - Report

11th October 2020

On Saturday the 10th September 2020, the Scotland Branch of the UK Chapter of Restoration of Human Rights (ROHR) Zimbabwe held a meeting via zoom. Alvina Chibhamu (Branch Secretary) chaired the meeting.

Register of attendance
Alvina Chibhamu, Olivia Chamboko, Harriet Ndlovu, Vongayi Mufara. Guests from other branches were; Nicolate Gwati (ROHR UK Chapter Chairperson), Delina Mutyambizi (Board Member) and others from the ROHR Zimbabwe UK Chapter wider community Blessing Goronga, Karen Murove, Vengayi Mutsawu, Jacob Mhlanga (from Ireland) and Tabeth Mabiza-Nhakaniso.


1.        Alvina Chibhamu- Welcome remarks and Apologies.
2.        Alvina Chibhamu - Confirmation and adoption of the last meeting minutes.
3.        Alvina Chibhamu - Black History month and invite every member to contribute to their research.
4.        Olivia Chamboko - Black History Month Campaign.
5.        Vongayi Mufara - #JusticeForTapiwaMakore Campaign.
6.        Harriet Ndlovu - Update on subscriptions.
7.        Any other business.

Alvina Chibhamu, the meeting chair, opened the meeting at 1400hrs and started by welcoming and introductions. She acknowledged the visiting members from other branches who also introduced themselves and their respective branches.

1.  Minutes Approval
Alvina called for confirmation and seconding of last month’s minutes and Vongayi confirmed seconded by Olivia as a true record of what transpired

2.  Black History month and individual contributions

·       Alvina opened by explaining that Black History Month(UK) runs throughout October to recognize, celebrate and champion the history of achievements of people of African descent, informing and educating on black heritage, value systems and way of life of British society that make black lives matter. She also mentioned that this year the theme is Advancing Justice and Equality in Scotland. She called upon attendees to share their understanding of the black History months.

·       Vongayi mentioned that to her it’s not only about remembering the bad things that happened to black people but to celebrate contributions from icon Civil Rights Activist like Martin Luther King who always encouraged people to stand for what is right. She encouraged people to participate in speaking out against Human rights violations in Zimbabwe and went on to mention one of Martin Luther’s quotes “ He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetuate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it”

·       Karen mentioned that she is inspired by Steve Biko who was an anti-apartheid activist and was on the forefront of a grassroots anti-apartheid campaign known as the Black Consciousness Movement and died for a good cause. He was assassinated for his activism activities in 1977

·         Harriet talked about Nelson Mandela- South African anti-apartheid revolutionary and political leader who later served as President of South Africa.

·         Olivia recognised all ROHR Zimbabwe Activists who have been fighting for Human rights in Zimbabwe from the time the organisation started to date. She highlighted why Scotland branch members were in prison jerseys; as an extension to the campaign we did last month #UnlawfulIncarcerationMustEnd, we were also hailing activists on the ground taking a stand on this.

·         Nicolate mentioned Harriet Tubman an American political Activist who was born into slavery and she escaped. She went on 13 missions to rescue approximately 70 enslaved people using the network of antislavery activists and safe houses known as the underground railroad.

·         Vengayi advised that he was touched by PM Boris Johnson’s Black History month speech when he encouraged black people and everyone to keep up the fight against inequality and racism.

·         Tabeth mentioned that it is good to recognise our own Zimbabwean Activists who are contributing towards the black History. She pointed out Beatrice Mtetwa who is doing a lot in fighting for justice in Zimbabwe.

·       Alvina mentioned June Sarpong OBE-activist and established broadcaster for her contribution in British media spanning over 20years. She became one of the youngest persons to be awarded an MBE for her services to charity and broadcasting. In October 2019,Sarpong made history and became the first ever Director of Creative Diversity with the BBC.Sarpong has forced people to address underrepresentation and injustices in racial inequality. Alvina went on to tie this with previous efforts made by ROHR Scotland in speaking out for women who seem to have no voice in Zimbabwe, with campaigns such as #StopViolenceAgainstWomen lobbying against rape by state security agents, re-traumatisation and retribution if women spoke out, the valiant efforts of 2 single women Caroline Bushu and Sandra Chikwama who are to date feeding over 1,200 children at the Epworth Kid’s Breakfast. Strong names such as Jestina Mukoko and aforementioned-Beatrice Mtetwa were also mentioned and perhaps, we also, will one day be celebrated in history for our gallantry in our fight against injustice and human rights abuses.
Alvina invited ideas in commemoration of Black History Month as we had so many valuable contributions from speakers today.

·         Olivia suggested we come up with a campaign to celebrate and recognize our activists in Zimbabwe.

·         Karen suggested that we come up with short videos recordings with a speech about Activists who inspire us.

·         Tabeth supported that videos are more effective and powerful than writing as most people do not read anymore.

·         Vongayi suggested that everyone could come up with a short statement of their chosen activist; giving a summary and history about why the Activist inspires them to go across all our social media platforms and ROHR blog.

·         Nicolate pointed out that it will be good to highlight all these Activists starting with people like Itai Dzamara and his brother Patson, Namatai Kwekweza, Takudzwa Ngadziore, The MDC trio, Hopewell Chin’ono, Beatrice Mtetwa just to mention a few, who have stood firm in this struggle. She also pointed out that writing has more traction as it attracts more participation and it also ties the individual to the campaign. And it will be good if it becomes an ongoing campaign starting this month.

·      Delina suggested that we could write a letter directed to the government and post it on social media tagging people like Nick Mangwana who engages people on social media.

Start a campaign for the black history month – write up with the chosen individual’s picture
3. Stop Ritual Killing Campaign
Vongayi spoke about the gruesome ritual murder of a 7-year-old boy, Tapiwa Makore of Nyamutumbu village in Murehwa by his uncle Tapiwa Makore (Senior) with the help of his herdsman Tafadzwa Shamba. The child was kidnapped, drugged, killed, and had his head, arms and legs cut off in the ritual murder. The perpetrators have since been arrested on murder charges and are in custody as the police continue to hunt for the witch doctor accused of taking the other body parts for rituals. She pointed out that as Human rights Activist we need to speak against these ritual killings of minors as these killings are on the rise in Zimbabwe.
It was suggested that we start a campaign #StopRitualKillings, #JusticeForTapiwaMakore
4.  Albino Community Highfields Donation Initiative
Alvina spoke about the Albino community in Highfields, Harare that cannot cope with the costs of sun creams and pointed out that the children cannot go out and play without applying the cream as the sun badly damages their skin. The community is not looking for food but appealing for ordinary sun creams they use on daily basis. Each cream cost USD25 in Zimbabwe, ZAR100 in South Africa and £2.25 in Aldi in the UK.

It was agreed that we start fundraising for the Albino Community to enable us to buy the sun creams here in the UK and ship them to Zimbabwe. To also approach sun cream giants and try and get them to sponsor the children.
5. Treasury Report
Harriet reported on what we have in our kitty for subscriptions and fundraising. She encouraged all members be up to date with their monthly subscriptions.
 Current fundraising for Epworth kitchen is £295 from the below contributions/fundraisers.
1. Alvina Chibhamu- £140
2. Harriet Ndlovu- £20
3. Vongayi Mufara- £30
4. Lindah Chenyama- £10
5. Olivia Chamboko- £10
6. Abigail Wadzanayi Chidavayenzi- £40
7. Panyika Karimanzira- £10
8. Pradzai Mapfumo- £20
9. Delina Mutyambizi- £10
10. Lillian Nleya- £5
Bringing our total to £295

Harriet asked when the donation was going to be done and Alvina responded that it was going to be as soon as our representatives on the ground avail themselves.

8. Any Other Business
Vongayi reminded Scotland committee members to remain logged on for the committee meeting to follow. Vongayi, announced that the date of the next branch meeting 7thNovember 2020.
All agenda items and any other business having been exhausted, Alvina thanked everyone for attending and declared the meeting closed at 1530hrs

To view pictures taken at the event, follow the link below

By: Information & Publicity Department

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