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18 October 2020

ROHR North Branch Executive Committee Teleconference Meeting - 10.10.2020

11th October 2020
In the evening of Saturday 10th October 2020, the North Branch Committee held its monthly teleconference meeting. The meeting was chaired by Branch Vice-Chairperson Vengai Mutsawu.

Register of Attendance
Vengai Mutsawu, Karen Nhakaniso, Nontokozo Malaba Ncube, Delina Mutyambizi and Petronella Mahachi (call medium would not allow her to connect onto the call).

Farai Nhakaniso, Magdaline Moyo and Pauline Makuwere


1. Date and Time of Monthly Meeting
2. Campaigns Update
3. AOB
The meeting started at 19:30hrs

1. Branch Meeting

As a branch, we have fallen behind on branch meetings so we need to set a date and time of meeting.

The meeting was agreed for Saturday 17 October 2020. All on the call agreed on a start time of 14:00hrs. Vice-Chair Vengai Mutsawu and Chairman Farai Nhakaniso were tasked with finding out if ROHR has a Zoom account that has unlimited minutes for meetings.

2. Campaigns

Let us encourage each other to take part in the campaigns. Can the secretary resend the PowerPoint with a summary of campaigns. From the last meeting only Vengai, Karen, and Nontokozo sent their campaign pictures and information to the Branch Secretary. May the other committee members take part so the branch can follow suit.

3. MP Letters
Vengai, Karen and Nontokozo sent their MP letter information to the branch secretary but have yet to receive their letters. May secretary chase the national secretary and information and publicity department for the letters.

4. Bank Account

In regards to the Branch Bank Account, Pauline was to liaise with Mr Karimanzira and Farai Nhakaniso for a branch bank account. Can we get a follow-up.

5. Any Other Business:

The meeting was declared closed by Vengai Mutsawu at 19:47hrs. Branch Secretary Karen Nhakaniso took minutes.
By: - Information & Publicity Department

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