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09 June 2020

ROHR Zimbabwe North Branch Committee Teleconference Meeting 3 April Report

On Friday 3 April 2020 evening, the North Branch Committee held a committee teleconference meeting to organize the branch meeting. The meeting was chaired by Farai Nhakaniso. Minutes taken by Karen Nhakaniso.

Register of Attendance
Farai Nhakansio
Petronella Mahachi
Karen Nhakaniso

None received 

1. Minutes from March
-  minutes were confirmed 
-  thank you to Petronella for writing minutes on behalf of secretary  - Chair tried to get all members to confirm attendance for today's call. 

2. Next Meeting
-          Suggestion of doing a conference call so branch carries on to function
-          the choice of platform will depend on number of people that can join the call on a app or over the phone
-          It can host 15-20 people
-          There is a phone number that Petronella can set up. But this may hinder those without minutes to join.
-          Can also look at Zoom as it can host video conferencing 
-          Zoom has got no call charges and can be used over wifi or data.
-          Video will allow for members to he more involved 

-          Agreed that will use Zoom and Chair will send link two days before and make it password protected so its limited to the branch and those invited. 
-          meeting to be the 18th so people can do Easter Saturday. 
-          Time is 2pm till 3pm 

3. Conference Call Minutes
- These minutes should be forwarded to MrKarimanzira so he can post online - Need trail that meetings taking place. 

4. Agenda for 18th April
- Agenda will be for the last meeting 

On Friday 3 April 2020 evening, the North Branch Committee held a committee teleconference meeting to organize the branch meeting. The meeting was chaired by Farai Nhakaniso. Minutes taken by Karen Nhakaniso.

Register of Attendance
Farai Nhakansio
Petronella Mahachi
Karen Nhakaniso

None received 

1. Minutes from March
-  minutes were confirmed 
-  thank you to Petronella for writing minutes on behalf of secretary  - Chair tried to get all members to confirm attendance for today's call. 

2. Next Meeting
-          Suggestion of doing a conference call so branch carries on to function
-          the choice of platform will depend on number of people that can join the call on a app or over the phone
-          It can host 15-20 people
-          There is a phone number that Petronella can set up. But this may hinder those without minutes to join.
-          Can also look at Zoom as it can host video conferencing 
-          Zoom has got no call charges and can be used over wifi or data.
-          Video will allow for members to he more involved 

-          Agreed that will use Zoom and Chair will send link two days before and make it password protected so its limited to the branch and those invited. 
-          meeting to be the 18th so people can do Easter Saturday. 
-          Time is 2pm till 3pm 

3. Conference Call Minutes
- These minutes should be forwarded to MrKarimanzira so he can post online - Need trail that meetings taking place. 

4. Agenda for 18th April
-  Agenda will be for the last meeting 

5. AOB
-  let's make sure that we ensure people are aware that meeting is on
-  reiterate that it's good to send apologies for absence from meetings.

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