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09 June 2020

ROHR Zimbabwe North Branch Committee Teleconference Meeting 10 March Report

On Tuesday 10 March 2020 evening, the North Branch Committee held a committee teleconference meeting to organize the branch meeting. The meeting was chaired by Farai Nhakaniso. Minutes taken by Petronella Mahachi.
Register of Attendance
Farai Nhakaniso
Petronella Mahachi
Pauline Makuwire
      No apologies received
Confirmation of Venue
      Our venue in Ecclestone is available for our next meeting scheduled for 14 March 2020 Social media
      Chairman asked if everyone was ok with social media
      Pauline was happy to have her name mentioned on the blog but requested not to be tagged on Facebook because she uses it for work.
      Petronella requested not to he tagged on Facebook or have her contact details included but is happy to be mentioned on the blog.
      It was suggested we seek people's permission before posting on social media.
      It was suggested we have consent forms.
      It was suggested we put a yes/no consent on register. Agenda for March North Branch Meeting
      Welcome, register,  apologies, previous meetings' minutes, update on Zim issues,  ROHR Zim constitution,  1 representative is required from our branch, Fundraising.
      Manchester branch already has a bank account currently being used by the Executive as a National treasury.
      Discussed fundraising ideas
      Funday with bouncy castle,
      Summer barbecue & football selling meat and drinks.
      It was suggested we try and collaborate with other groups eg. Manchester has a Zimbabwean Soccer team.
      Pauline said when she was previously part of Rohr Coventry they did a fashion show which was a success.
      Committee  members should be consistent between conference calls and attendance to meetings.

Meeting closed at 8:40pm

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