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08 July 2017

ROHR Zimbabwe Manchester/Liverpool Monthly Branch Meeting 08th July 2017 Report.

The branch meeting was held at: Welcome Centre, 18 -32 Brentfield Avenue, Cheetham Hill, Manchester, M8 0TW.

The general meeting of ROHR Zimbabwe UK Chapter Manchester Branch was called to order at 14:10 by Branch Organising Secretary, Silvanos Mudzvova.

Members Present
Delina Mutyambizi, Rufaro Zondesa, Lorraine Mudjgiwa, Billy Kahari, Ndumiso Mtsholi, Fortunate Sibanda, Silvanos Mudzvova, Farai Nhakaniso and Caroline Madondo.

Karen Nhakaniso, Kelly Mutasa, Shelton Mhlanga, Tabeth Mabiza-Nhakaniso and Kudakwashe Utshwaya

Silvanos Mudzvova

  • Started processions with an opening prayer from Delina Mutyambizi
  • An introduction of all members present
  • First agenda, an overview of ROHR Zimbabwe as an organisation
  • Over to first speaker, Delina Mutyambizi
Overview of ROHR Zimbabwe

Delina Mutyambizi:

  • A non-profit organisation started on 30 August 2007 in Harare
  • Amendment made to notarial deed in July 2011 after Ephraim Tapa was expelled on grounds of corruption
  • Most board members based in Zimbabwe with Mr Ronald Mureverwi as the chairperson
  • Mr Mapfumo and Mr Karimanzira are board members based in the UK
  • A human rights organisation without affiliations to any political party, which stands for human rights with any government in Zimbabwe

 Main objectives of ROHR Zimbabwe are as follows;

1.promote and protect human rights in Zimbabwe
2.educate and advocate for the highest political and socio-economic freedom standards
3.encourage participation of members of the public in governance issues including the constitutional rights and shame overzealous individuals and institutions that commit human rights crimes with impunity to citizenry
5.unveil special programmes and workshops targeted at unlocking fear in Zimbabweans and empower citizens to act in processes that aim at their rights and freedoms with other civic organisations that share the same values regionally, nationally, and internationally.

  • Other organisations which ROHR works with include Zimbabwe Human Rights Organisation (ZHRO), Amnesty International, Human rights lawyers, Tajamuka, This flag movement etc.
  • Activists now are going through tortures and abductions and abuses in Zimbabwe 
  • Participated in NERA issues, though not successful
  • Fighting for electoral reforms in Zimbabwe

Silvanos Mudzvova

  • Next agenda, Fundraising
  • As an organisation, we need to fundraise to facilitate projects here in the UK and in Zimbabwe
  • Over to the second speaker, Caroline Madondo

Caroline Madondo:

  • New to the committee but currently initiatives include selling of snacks such as crisps at meetings
  • Delina to give more insight on what is on the ground

Delina Mutyambizi:

  • Plans are still being put in place such as selling food during branch and national meetings

Farai Nhakaniso:

  • Currently Manchester branch has managed to raise £42.75 from selling of peanuts
  • Need to continue fundraising as we need to have our own branch banner
  • Long term vision to assist people who struggle with travelling to events and meetings
  • Printing of our own leaflets and posters with necessary contact details in order to market our branch to all within the Manchester, Liverpool, Leeds areas. 

Caroline Madondo:

  • Suggested sponsored walks are a good way to raise funds

Silvanos Mudzvova

  • Next agenda ROHR website
  • The information department to give a brief on the website and how we are going to be using social media to push our programmes forward
  • Over to third speaker, Farai Nhakaniso

Information Department Briefing
Farai Nhakaniso:

  • As ROHR Zimbabwe international and UK Chapter, we have our own website
  • This gives an overview of who we are, what we stand for, our plans and events and historical information of what we have done such as videos and censuses
  • The website is run externally and professionally, as a reliable one
  • The website is up to date with details of the demonstration held in Leeds
  • The bill for our completed website is currently outstanding at £350.00
  • As ROHR Zimbabwe, the bill has been let out to everybody to chip in as it helps everyone, and the website is important to everyone. It is an avenue for creating awareness and showing casing what Zimbabweans in the diaspora and on the ground, are doing to fight the Mugabe Regime which as a very poor Human Rights record.
  • The website is currently suspended as the bill is outstanding
  • Manchester and Liverpool branch has currently contributed £110.00 to date and other branches have made their contributions as well
  • Donations are needed to help with sustaining the website as well as maintaining it
  • Everyone is encouraged to donate what they can to help sustain the website

Silvanos Mudzvova

  • Next agenda, Leicester general meeting
  • The meeting is to be held in Leicester on the 15th of July 2017, starting at 13.00hrs and a social fundraising event (gochi-gochi) afterwards 
  • Members to confirm who is attending for transport arrangements
  • 6 members from Manchester have confirmed
  • 2 members from Leeds have confirmed
  • Commended the Leeds group for their consistent attendance 
  • Lorraine Mudjgwa from Leeds expressed gratitude and explained it is for the need of a better Zimbabwe
  • Messages to be passed onto the various messaging platforms about the meeting, Silvanos Mudzvova nominated as the branch organising secretary and accepted to make the announcement

Farai Nhakaniso:

  • Members to invite friends and family to come along to the meeting
  • Each member to invite at least one guest and try and get more people to join the organisation

Silvanos Mudzvova

  • Next agenda ZISO, ILIHLO
  • We are working with Zimbabwe Citizens Initiative (ZCI), an organisation that subscribes to ROHR Zimbabwe’s ideas
  • ZCI has launched a new brand ZISO, ILIHLO network
  • Over to fourth speaker


Farai Nhakaniso:

  •  ZCI is a group that has come together from all over the world with a common goal to tackle problems faced in Zimbabwe
  • ZCI has members across  many different civic organisations inclusive of ROHR, Tajamuka etc
  • Delina Mutyambizi wearing the ZISO,ILIHLO t-shirt with the slogan an injury to one an injury to all, see it and report it
  • Inspired by Kenya’s Ushahidi during the violence over one election period
  • It is an application that can be downloaded on then apple app store and google play store, and one can then report a crime as it happens in real time
  • The app is one where if one sees a crime or violation happening, one just needs to login and report from wherever the crime is taking place or send a text message
  • Reporting is anonymous, and they are uploaded to the cloud where different organisations such as amnesty international, UN, Red Cross etc can then access this information
  • ZCI together with Zimbabwe Human Rights Forum, after getting rights and a licence from Ushahidi in Kenya, ZISO,ILIHLO successfully launched in Zimbabwe last Monday
  • Every Zimbabwean to spread the message on the existence of this application
  • There are verifiers across Zimbabwe who will then confirm any uploaded incidents to avoid hoaxes
  • The information from the application can then be used to support any human rights abuse cases lodged with the courts and any unlawfulness in Zimbabwe

Delina Mutyambizi:

  • A very good idea whose success depends on the sharing of this application
  • ZANU-PF are prepared to kill come 2018 elections and following Ushahidi’s success in Kenya, ZISO/ILIHLO will work if Zimbabwean people know about it
  • All should inform relatives and friends and make use of ZISO/ILIHLO

Silvanos Mudzvova

  • All items on the agenda have been addressed

Any Other Business

Silvanos Mudzvova:

  • As organising secretary a request to open a branch in Scotland to Mr Kahari

Billy Kahari:
It is possible and we are willing to have a branch of ROHR Zimbabwe

  • Need to clarify the ROHR Zimbabwe and Ephraim Tapa’s ROHR for the sake of the public

Delina Mutyambizi:

  • Word from the directors has it that a national interview will be given by ROHR Zimbabwe spokesperson to clarify on the matter and expose the truth 

Silvanos Mudzvova:

  • The matter is to be taken to the national executive and protect the name of the organisation

Closing prayer from Billy Kahari 15:08


Meeting was adjourned at 15:10 by Silvanos Mudzvova. The next general meeting will be at 13:00 on 15 July 2017, in Leicester.
To view pictures taken at the event follow link below:

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