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02 July 2017



VENUE:   Royal Festival Hall, Belvedere Road, South Bank, London SE1 8XX. 
DATE:  1st JUL 2017

TIME:   12:30pm -  4pm 

Chivizhe Lynette ( Member); Diza Flemming  ( Member); Kamhunga Chipo ( Member ); Katsonga Jane ( Member); Jambawo Kingstone (Vice Information & Publicity); Jandles Deborah (Guest Speaker); Makonese Pythias ( Information & Publicity);Mupotsa Bridget (Fundraising Committee member ); Muteyerwa Mary (Chairperson); Nhau Morella  (Treasurer); Nkiwane Salome ( Committee); Shambela George (Secretary); Sithole Namatirai Angela (Member)

Burke John ( Member); Bvungidzire Sibongile  ( Fundraising committee); Chingozha Patricia ( Member); Mapfumo Paradzai  ( National Coordinator);Tandi  Margaret (Organizing  Secretary)
01) Opening Prayer
02) Introductions
03) Previous Minutes
04) Matters Arising
  1. Website Status
  2. Banner/Flayer
  3. Shipping Equipment
  4. Member’ Roles
  5. Voluntary Outreach
  1. Guest Speaker
  2. Fundraising & Financial Report
  3. Funeral Contributions
06) A.O.B.


  Opening prayer was given by guest speaker, Pastor Deborah Jandles.

The chairperson, Mary Muteyerwa, called the house to order and self-introductions were made at 12:30

(3) Previous Minutes:-  Minutes of the 3th June 2017 were read by the chairperson. As there were no corrections Kingstone Jambawo proposed that the minutes be passed as a correct record, and was seconded by George Shambela. 


(a) Website Status:-  The Secretary informed members that the website was now  running and ready for use. However contributions were going to be made to cover the website costs. 

(b) Banner/ Flyers - The old (ROHR) banner was exhibited so that members could decide changes they would want to see on our new Central London Branch Banner. Pythias Makonese suggested that we keep everything on the banner and add Branch name. Printing of the branch flyer was approved pending the cheapest tender.

(c) Shipping Containers: - The Secretary updated members regarding the purchase of the drum to pack books and pencils to Zimbabwe. This drum is now ready. 
Shipment of reading books and stationery will soon commence when all packaging is ready. 

(d)  Members’ Roles:-
The chairperson outlined the purposes of commitment and full participation especially of members with posts. She also hinted on the issue of absenteeism by executive members and the impact this is causing to the smooth running of the branch activities.

Mr Makonese suggested a combined register so as to monitor and take proper action through its use. He volunteered to compile a draft proposal as soon as he gets all attendance registers from January up to date. This would reflect how members attend their meetings and appropriate action can be taken as this would allow the chairperson and the rest of the executive to use their discretion when and where necessary. 

(e)  Voluntary Outreach: - This project, brain child of Lynette Chivizhe, is aimed at involving our members for voluntary services as they can offer into their local communities and at the same time raising awareness of ROHR’s aims and objectives.

This could include identifying premises that welcomes voluntary services in their workplaces. 

Our aims are
  • Promoting ROHR brand while raising human rights awareness at the same time.
  • Prove our worth by giving something good to the community we live through the experiences we've.
  • Gain a sense of recognition from the local communities we live.

Examples were given such as charity shops, schools, churches and the British Heart Foundation. 
Toolkit such as flyers promoting ROHR brand and a signed letter are always used in this campaign. 

George Shambela
Namatirai Angela Sithole 
Flemming Diza
Pythias Makonese
Mary Muteyerwa
Salome Nkiwane
Kingstone Jambawo
Jane Katsonga


(a) Guest Speaker: - Pastor Deborah Jandles, of Zimbabwe Church of Progressive Movement (ZCPM), from Stoke-on-Trent representing ZCPM, is pushing for women's participation in the mainstream society. 

The aims of ZCPM are to empower women and give them right to vote and stand up against sexual abuse, dubbed, "my right to vote, # is not your right to rape".
The speaker then, exhibited her pull-up banners which speak volume of ZCPM raising awareness against women abuse during the psych of Zimbabwe election. 

Mentioned in the speech was the likelihood of ZCPM partnering with ROHR in peace building initiative and awareness campaign. 

Pastor Deborah Jandles answered members’ questions at the end of her well received address. She called for close ties with ROHR and said to liaise with the chairperson. 

(b) Fundraising Committee  -  consist of two dedicated members, Sibongile Bvungidzire and Bridget Mupotsa.

They work to raise money for non-profit, often bringing with them make shift canteen selling foodstuffs and refreshments. 

The petty cash raised here, is then invested as assets set aside for the branch's specific purposes. 

(Actions)  In addition to help fundraising Lynette Chivizhe identified another potential source, e.g. the sale of handmade carrier bags. 
Lynette Chivizhe highlighted that she is still working on the design of her bags. 

Sample of this will be shown at the next meeting. 

(c) Financial Report - The report was made by the Treasurer, Morella Nhau tabled and explained a summary of receipts and expenditure and balance sheet for the year from January to end of June 2017. 
Total income to date   
£ 167.35
Expenditure  -                               
£ 120.00
Balance brought down.      
£ 47. 35
£ 28. 00
Total Balance  
£75. 35

Afterwards, the treasurer, Morella Nhau announced that she was stepping from her treasurer post citing personal problems as the reason. 

Further resignation notices were earlier received from the following members:
Plaxedes Damiso - former vice chairperson and Patricia Chingozha - former organising secretary. 

(d) Funeral Contributions - The chairperson’s concern was in the area of funeral covers as they bring about unanticipated expenses and how this could be funded. 

We were in consensus of opinions, dissatisfaction on how this should be distributed.
Finally, the meeting agreed to a formality of providing the sum of £60, per funeral cover. 
It was generally agreed that this is drawn from our culture embodiment.  
However, mentioned was the entitlement to this type of funeral covers?
The meeting unanimously agreed that only committed members and their next of kin (spouses) must qualify for this type of funeral cover.

(6) A. O. B. The following were discussed under AOB:-

(a) Country Guidance.
(b) Leicester Refugee Week
(c) Leeds- Right to vote demo.
(d) Announcements

the Secretary reminded the meeting with regard to changes in the new country guidance which among other things features active media utilised mainly by grassroots activities. 

It's noted that (active media) is considered by Home Office in appeal cases.  

Pointed out was the need for members to keep up their activism fight without let up.

(b) Leicester refugee day   - Kingston Jambawo gave update on this. 

(c) Leeds right to vote demo    was updated by Mary Muteyerwa. 


 Next outreach event date is scheduled for Saturday 15th July.
Events agenda will be shortly announced afterwards. 


There being no other business the chairperson closed the meeting with a prayer from Bridget Mupotsa at15:45pm

Minutes prepared by George Shambela.

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