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18 January 2024

Call for immediate release of Job Sikhala

18th January 2024

By Vengai Mutsawu

I write to express my deep concern and solidarity with Job Sikhala, who has been unjustly incarcerated in prison for over 18 months without trial or any known offence committed. Asking for justice for the murdered Moreblessing Ali is not a crime. Job Sikhala only demanded justice for Moreblessing. This prolonged detention without due process is a violation of fundamental human rights and an affront to the principles of justice that we hold dear.

Job Sikhala’s situation demands urgent attention and action. It is disheartening to witness the prolonged denial of his right to a fair trial and bail, a cornerstone of any just legal system. In a society that values the rule of law, it is imperative that we demand his immediate release and insist on a transparent and expeditious legal process.

It is our collective responsibility to stand against arbitrary detention and the erosion of individual rights. Job Sikhala’s case is a stark reminder of the importance of safeguarding the principles that underpin a just and fair legal system. Let us unite in our call for justice, advocating for the release of Job Sikhala and the restoration of his rights.

I urge authorities to reevaluate this situation, ensure due process, and release Job Sikhala without further delay. Our shared commitment to human rights, justice, and the rule of law compels us to speak out against any infringement upon these principles.

“Justice for Job Sikhala Now!!!!”



About the author
Vengai Mutsawu is a Zimbabwean human rights activist based in the United Kingdom. He is the Chairperson of the North Branch and Fundraiser for the UK Chapter of Restoration of Human Rights (ROHR) Zimbabwe, a not-for-profit organisation registered in 2007. Among other things, ROHR Zimbabwe aims to promote a culture of human rights through community mobilisation, capacity building, and active responses to human rights violations. It also advocates for peace, justice, freedom, accountability, and democratic reforms in the country. Vengai Mutsawu can be contacted by email at or

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