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07 July 2022

Comment on British Prime Minister’s resignation – by Panyika Karimanzira

 By Panyika Karimanzira

 Thursday 7th July 2022

I wish our citizens and politicians in Zimbabwe could take a leaf from the recent developments in British politics which culminated in the resignation of Mr Boris Johnson from both being the leader of the ruling party, The Conservatives and the British Prime Minister today Thursday 7th July 2022.

Mr Boris Johnson’s tenure was marked by scandals that included allegations of sleaze. Citizens on their part did not hesitate to point out instances of sleaze when they occurred and did not fear to criticise Boris Johnson and the government. They also punished the Conservative Party in recent by-elections.

Conservative Members of Parliament also criticised their leader both inside and outside Parliament and sometimes even voted with the opposition on motions that sought to keep the Prime Minister in check.

Some of them even voted for a motion of Vote of No Confidence in the Prime Minister which Mr Boris Johnson survived not so long ago.

Now members of Mr Boris Johnson’s Cabinet and Parliament resigned in large numbers in the last 2 days thereby making his tenure untenable and forcing him to resign.

That is how it should be in a democratic society. When Prime Ministers, Presidents, Ministers or other people holding positions of responsibility fail, they should resign. Ministers and Members of Parliament should also be willing to resign if they are not happy with the leadership in Government.

Nobody should masquerade as being entitled to rule forever or indispensable. There should be no sacred cow in our politics.

Here are links to videos in English, IsiNdebele and ChiShona on this matter by Panyika Karimanzira;-

Video in English
Video in IsiNdebele
Video in ChiShona

About the author and disclaimer:
Panyika Karimanzira a.k.a. Mandulo Pasichigare a.k.a. Shangoni WaHamisi is a Zimbabwean human rights activist based in the United Kingdom and is writing in his personal capacity in this instance. He can be contacted via email


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