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06 August 2017

ROHR Zimbabwe Central London Branch August 2017 Meeting

ROHR Zimbabwe Central London Branch August Meeting 

VENUE : - Royal Festival Hall, Belvedere Road, South Bank, London SE18XX.

DATE: - 5th August 2017

TIME : - 12:30pm - 4pm

ATTENDANCE LIST:- Bvungidzire Sibongile - (Fundraising Committee Member); Chivizhe Lynette -
(Vice Organising Secretary); Goronga Blessing - (Member), Jambawo Kingstone - (Member); Kahiya
Tsungirirai - (Midlands Chairperson); Makonese Pythias - (Information& Publicity); Mudzvova
Silvanos - (Organising Secretary Manchester Branch); Muteyerwa Mary - (Chairperson); Nhau
Morella - (Member); Shambela George - (Secretary); Zvorwadza Stendrick - (ROHR Founder
Member) (11)

APOLOGIES: - Sithole Angela Namatirai – (Member); Mupotsa Bridget - (Fundraising Committee
Member). Burke John - (ZHRO Founder & ROHR Member); Damiso Plaxedes - (Member); Tandi
Margaret – (Organising Secretary); Nkiwane Salome – (Committee Member). (6)

1. Opening Prayer

2. Introductions

3. Reading of Previous Minutes

4. Matters Arising

a. Banner

b. Shipping Container/School Stationery

c. Register/s

d. Voluntary Outreach

e. Member's Roles


(a) Choir

(b) Fundraising

(c) Vice Information & Publicity Post

(d) Financial report

(e) Guest Speaker


7. Closing Prayer


The meeting commenced with a prayer from Sibongile Bvungidzire at 13:45pm.


The chairperson, Mary Muteyerwa, called the meeting to order and self-introductions were made.


Lynette Chivizhe was asked to read the previous minutes and as there were no corrections she
proposed that they be passed as a correct record. She was seconded by Pythias Makonese.


            a) Banner. The chairperson briefed the meeting regarding the procedure in the purchasing of banners which also included Manchester, and Midlands Branches. The chairperson and the Secretary made pledges of £34 going towards buying of our
London Banner.
            b) Shipping Container/ School Stationery . The Secretary reminded the meeting that there is enough space for more books so that members wishing to donate can bring some more new and second hand books for shipping. The following is a list of school stationery which members can bring: - pencils, crayons, markers, graph papers, calculators, glue sticks, sharpeners, mathematical instruments and so on.
             c) Donated Books . Pythias Makonese brought 34 reading text books and these were handed to the Secretary.
            d) Voluntary Outreach . Work is still in progress for this project, aiming to reach out to those premises welcoming voluntary services. There is much work to be done in
order to achieve intended goals.
            e) Member's Roles. Given the low turnout at our meetings, the chairperson’s concern
was on members with executive posts. She hinted on their lake of enthusiasm drive
to perform the tasks they've been allocated as it impacts very much on everything
we intend to accomplish. We’ve members with posts who rarely attend our
meetings at all or any of our events.
➢ Given example is that of the treasurer which is vacant.
➢ It has been unoccupied for some time now as no one wants to fill this post.
➢ The idea of multiple roles by one individual switching to different roles was
suggested by Silvanos Mudzvova as an alternative.
➢ However, the meeting observed that this meant few members would be
doing the bulk of workload while others do nothing.
➢ Bearing in mind that the purpose of activists in it is about playing an
important role at any level.

This was made plain by the Secretary who deliberated that “to-do- nothing
attitude” has its own consequences to such individual members. Either
they'll lose their posts altogether nor damage their profiles.


(a) Choir.
Mary Muteyerwa, the chairperson, made an announcement for a merger and partnership for the
Sing-Dance-Choir Session with a cultural musical choir called SOLIDARITY-UKUBAMBANA-KUBATANA. She believes this could be crucial if their non-for-profit choir is to be effective and sustainable. Moreover, this will eject new impetus to her underperformed choir from the free training session they're going to receive.

( b) Fundraising.
The fund raising project is aimed at raising petty cash for our branch's immediate shortcomings.

Sibongile Bvungidzire is involved in organising foodstuffs for selling such as roast salted peanuts and
drinks to members for a small fee.

In addition, Lynette Chivizhe proposed the selling of non-primary-purpose ladies shopping bags.

This was displayed at the meeting to allow members to express their opinion on the proposed design
and emblem to go with it.

Finally, the meeting opted for the Zimbabwe flag logo to be printed on the shopping bags.

(c) Vice Information & Publicity Post

The meeting had a chance to discuss and evaluate the case of Kingston Jambawo’s post arising from
a recent report regarding the Leicester refugee week.

Our assessment is that we reserve the right to intervene in any seemingly unfairness when one of
our branch members believes that he is unfairly relieved from his post. Our understanding in this
case is that the head of Information and Publicity, Farai Nhakaniso together with the board of
executive directors, Panyika Karimanzira and Paradzai Mapfumo have already concluded that this
case is closed.

Therefore, the meeting resolved that we cannot continue any further, thus, any more queries
regarding this, must be directed to the head of Information and Publicity.

(d) Financial Report .

Announcement was made regarding the responsibility of the treasurer vacant, and the chairperson
declared that Sibongile Bvungidzire, fundraising member, will from now on stand in as treasurer until
placement is found.

TRANSACTIONS as at 5 th August 2017 
AMOUNT in (£)

01 Balance Brought forward 78.25
02 Money in 20.00
03 Balance brought down 98.25

6) Guest Speaker (Stendrick Zvorwadza).
The chairperson welcomed our guest speaker by saying, “We’re delighted to have Mr Stendrick
Zvorwadza here with us. He travels long distances from Zimbabwe to come and update us on the
latest situations back home and also tell us how important our ROHR organization is."

Mr Pythias Makonese, jostled for pictures line-up before politely asking Silvanos aka Bhanditi
Mudzvova to move seat next to Stendrick Zvorwadza, a fitting honour to the two giant of human
rights defenders.

Mr Stendrick Zvorwadza went on to introduce himself nonetheless adding more detail in his human
rights activities back home in Zimbabwe.

He started by thanking Silvanos Mudzvova, as a true hero among us and how his actions of late back
in Zimbabwe speaks volumes to us all. Such is the man of his calibre, dedicated and brave in the face
of adversity though he suffered much torture under ZANU-PF when he was abducted.

  • I. Zimbabwe Situation: He highlighted the weakness of Zimbabwe economy which by

far rely entirely on informal sector ( grey - economy), and how this is likely to cause
recession. He made a point of the impact of unemployment this is causing on the
livelihood of the ordinary citizens of Zimbabwe. He also mentioned vendors
association which he is a president, their daily struggles and how he painstakingly
speak up to them amid police harassment.

  • II. On Electoral Reform : He declared that our process for electoral reform is very slow

regardless of the fact that the constitution was adopted in 2013. There is need to
extend the franchise to the right to vote for diaspora as well. He said institutions
like traditional and security service chiefs must be regulated so that they do not
meddle in politics in a partisan manner likely to affect the results of elections.

  • III. Call for Embassy Closure: "This is a watershed moment for all Zimbabwean", he

said. He called for all diaspora to come together and hold the biggest push in
demonstrations that would lead to the closure of the embassy. This could be
achieved through peaceful demos and lobbying with the UK government so that
they also get into the fray.
Mr Stendrick Zvorwadza, ended with question and answer session in which Mary Muteyerwa,
Pythias Makonese, Tsungirirai Kahiya, Kingstone Jambawo and Lynnette Chivizhe took turns to ask
some questions and this turned the discussion to be lively and above all informative.

6. A. O. B.
After the meeting members who were free were urged to go to the Zimbabwe Embassy House and
study the atmosphere for a peaceful vigil. This was just a follow up as Ephraim Tapa and Rose Burton are purported to prevent or discourage their members to mix with our ROHR members for demos
and even at the weekly Saturday Zim Vigil. This issue become the centre of controversy recently.

There being no other business, the chairperson closed the meeting at 16:15, with a prayer from
Tsungirirai Kahiya.

Minutes prepared by George Shambela.

Click this link to view images from this meeting 

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