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04 June 2017

ROHR Zimbabwe Central London Monthly Branch Meeting 03rd June 2017

ROHR Zimbabwe Central London Monthly Branch Meeting Saturday 3rd June 2017 Report. The branch meeting was held at: Royal Festival Hall, Belvedere Road, South Bank, London SE1 8XX. 

Burke John (ZHRO Founder); Bvungidzire Sibongile; (Fundraiser); Chivizhe Lynette; (Member); Jambawo Kingstone (Vice Information & Publicity); Makonese Pythias (Information & Publicity); Muteyerwa Mary (Chairperson); Ncube Sibongukusa (Member); Kahiye Tsungirirai; (Chairperson ROHR Midlands Branch); Shambela George (Secretary); Sithole Angela Namatirai (Member); Tandi Margret (Organizing Secretary).

Chipinde Linda (Member); Mupotsa Bridget (Fundraiser); Nhau Morella (Treasurer); Nkiwane Salome (Member)
Meeting commenced at 12:33hrs
Meeting chaired by Margaret Tandi

OPENING PRAYER: - Pythias Makonese.

INTRODUCTIONS: - Self-introductions were made.


Mr Kingstone Jambawo highlighted major items of the previous minutes and corrections were made especially members’ spelling names. After which, Angela Namatirai Sithole proposed that the minutes be passed as a correct record. Lynette Chivizhe seconded.


The following points were highlighted by the chairperson, Mary Muteyerwa, with the assistance of the Secretary, George Shambela, as matters arising.

    a) Reading Books Project: - The chairperson updated members that a drum to pack the books has been purchased and another one donated by Delina Mutyambizi is ready for collection. Proposals on how the books are to be shipped to Zimbabwe will be discussed later in conjunction with Mr Paradzai Mapfumo.
    b) Flyer: - Information on the flyer for membership recruitment was now at an advanced stage and now looking forward to the design and printing stage/quotations. Examples of quotations highlighted by John Burke and Lynette Chivizhe were as follows respectively - £130.00 for 5 000 copies and £6.00 for 1000 copies [as an exclusive offer by Vistaprint]. More quotations are to be considered.
    c) Banner: - A need for a branch Banner was discussed and proposals for a Pull-Up Banner was brought forward by John as they are the most versatile and portable kind. Quotations from other types such as Vinyl, Mesh, Bow and Fabric should be looked into. The meeting recommended that Mr Panyika A. Karimanzira, Mr Paradzai Mapfumo and Grace Mupfurutsa be contacted on the wording and design of the banner.
     d) Website Status: - Work was still in progress for the main ROHR website. Suggestions were forwarded that it's best to pressurise people who are doing it as it is inconveniencing many stakeholders.
Lynette highlighted that she spoke to the US Ambassador as our potential donor who needs more information about ROHR from its Website but cannot be accessed since it is non-operational.


Executive Roles: -There was need to review the executive roles as some of the members are not doing their duties.
The chairperson’s concern was in the area of the vice chairperson, vice organising secretary and vice secretary. After some discussion, the meeting resolved that the members with respective posts be contacted so that if they cannot carry out their duties could be replaced with those members who are committed.
Minutes Layout: - Mr Makonese was asked to write the day’s minutes to illustrate the layout proposed.
Website Report: - The chairperson made it clear that website reports shall be made by Farai Nhakaniso using submitted minutes. Events media reports are to be made by the Information and Publicity Department which is led by Farai Nhakaniso.


Mr John Burke was asked to outline on the proposed walk as preparations are underway. He highlighted the following points:-

a) Confirmed Dates are 18th to 19th August 2017.
b) The Route would be from Brighton Pier to Kempton Park racecourse - a distance of 65.8 miles/105 km.
c) Training for this event is very essential and should start now so as to build muscles around the knees, hips and ankles as they need to be strengthened.
d) Standard Letter to obtain free Gym membership and training was available and has been successfully used already.
e) Training Guidelines to be provided such as a manual - T-shirts and other necessary walking attire like boots, pants etc. were also recommended.  
f) Sports Material customised T Shirt will be available to purchase at a nominal fee for walkers and £25 for non-Zimbabweans, and those in paid employment.
g) Registration Forms were given out for those interested to join the programme
h) Funds Raised Last Year – was £3000.00 through this event.
i) ROHR Share: - Those walking on behalf of ROHR can raise money for that Organisation this year.

A.O.B: -

a) Karimanzira Condolences: - The chairperson informed members that £60.00 from fundraising coffers was used for Mr Karimanzira’s wife who passed away on the 9th May 2017 in Zimbabwe.
b) Voluntary Outreach: - Lynette Chivizhe requested for a cover letter from ROHR organization on a letterhead to be submitted to the Bishop of Church of England so that the church can offer cleaning voluntary service in the church as our outreach programme. This could be the same to St Clement’s Day School.
c) Choir: - Members were reminded of the newly formed choir which has 7 members by now and meet once every month after each meeting for rehearsals. The choir will work hand in hand with the Fundraising Team. Uniforms such as skirts were suggested.
d) Fund Raising: -  Sibongile Bvungidzire announced to the members her current fundraising balance as £42.00. In addition Lynette Chivizhe proposed that shopping bags she purchased need to be printed with ROHR Logo for campaigning and membership recruitment purposes.

REFUGEE WEEK: - A reminder to all those who are free to attend as from 18th to 25th June at South Bank.

DATE FOR NEXT MEETING: - was announced as 1st July 2017.

There being no other business the chairing person, Tandi Margaret, closed the meeting at 15:47 with a prayer from Sibongile Bvungidzire.

Minutes taken by: Pythias Makonese
Information & Publicity Officer ROHR Zimbabwe UK Chapter Central London Branch

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