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27 July 2020

Notice: - ROHR Zimbabwe UK Chapter Midlands branch zoom meeting Saturday 1st August 2020

ROHR Midlands Branch is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Midlands Branch Zoom Meeting Time: August 1, 2020 14:00hrs Meeting ID: 731 2280 8373 Password: 4nKYEr

25 July 2020

ROHR Zimbabwe North Branch Committee Teleconference Meeting 25th July 2020 Report

25th July 2020
On the evening of Saturday 25th July 2020, the North Branch Committee held their monthly teleconference meeting. The meeting was chaired by branch secretary Karen Nhakaniso.

Register of Attendance
Karen Nhakaniso, Nontokozo Malaba Ncube, Petronella Mahachi, Magdaline Moyo and Pauline Makuwere

Farai Nhakaniso and Vengai Mutsawu

1.       Organising July and August branch meeting
2.       Agenda for branch meeting
3.       Tasks to be completed prior to the meeting by committee members
4.       Suggestions for future committee meetings
5.       AOB

Meeting started at 18:10 hrs
NB: Magadaline had bad signal

1. Branch Meeting

Agreed upon day is 2nd weekend of the month
Due to the non activity of last month (July).
Suggestion is 1st weekend of August to catch up on July meeting
Then to do a meeting 3rd weekend earlier than the Leicester one to do the August one.
All on the call were in agreed for the two meetings.

2. Agenda for the 1st meeting

a) Karen highlighted the need to promote and inform branch members of the recently launched ROHR Human Rights Violations campaign.
b) Nontokozo noted that members need to be informed of the different campaigns that are currently in rotation. Petronella suggested that committee gather a brief for each campaign detailing what it is and how to take part. Karen noted the need to get our members on board and committing to these campaigns.
c) Nontokozo noted the importance of getting the branch to be more active in campaigns and groups. Let members make commitments to the campaign they want.
d) Pauline suggested that the north branch do a campaign in Zimbabwe like how Scotland raised money for Epworth food bank.

Suggestion: _
- Mavis Harrison Tshuma had a suggestion that we raise money for Orphanage in Bulawayo during Covid crisis.
- Everytime we meet can we have a contribution (£2-5) towards these fundraising or sponsoring campaigns/projects in Zimbabwe.

e) Pauline asked for a follow up of updated MP campaign letter so members can participate.
f) Get update on what is happening on the ground.
g) It is important to get members to understand that being a member is not an activist but participate. Play to your strengths.
h) Pauline asked if there was any way we can help vulnerable Zimbabweans here in the United Kingdom. How can we help these people as well?
Proposed Agenda for 1st August Meeting
·         Welcome members and attendance register
·         Update of current situation in Zimbabwe
·         Segment about ROHR UK Campaigns and how members can participate
·         Project and Fundraising for ROHR North Branch in Zimbabwe
·         How as an organisation we can help vulnerable Zimbabweans in the United Kingdom
·         Closing remarks

3. Tasks for Before Meeting
- Chase up with Delina about Banner mentioned last meeting.
- Write briefs about separate campaigns and how activists

4. Future Meetings
- Can chair and secretary not leave the suggestions for date and time of meeting open for all members to decide but rather just tell committee the time and date and whoever can make it comes.
Give two dates and time and then vote on the day and time from the two choices.

5. Any Other Business:

The meeting was declared closed by Karen Nhakaniso at 18:58 hrs.
By Information & Publicity Department

23 July 2020

ROHR Zimbabwe Scotland Branch Zoom Meeting Saturday 18th July 2020 Report

18th July 2020

On Saturday the 18th July 2020, the Scotland Branch of the UK Chapter of Restoration of Human Rights (ROHR) Zimbabwe held a meeting via zoom. Due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, it is still imperative that we observe lockdown guidelines, and minimise face to face gatherings where possible hence the “Zoom” platform. Members from other branches of the UK Chapter were also in attendance. The meeting was chaired by the branch Chairperson, Olivia Chamboko.

Register of Attendance
Harriet Ndlovu (Deputy Treasurer), Lindah Chenyama (Fundraiser Committee Member),Olivia Chamboko (Branch Chairperson), Masciline Mercy Mzondiwa (Vice Secretary), Vongayi Mufara (Organising Secretary), Alvina Chibhamu (Secretary), Thenjiwe Ndlovu, Vengai Mutsawu (Deputy Chairperson-North Branch, UK Chapter), Nontokozo Malaba Ncube (Committee Member- North Branch, UK Chapter), Mavis Harrison nee Tshuma, Panyika Anselm Karimanzira (Board member & ROHR Zimbabwe Spokesperson)

No apologies were received from members who did not attend.

1.        Introductions.
2.        Confirmation and adoption of minutes of previous meeting.
3.        Discuss Campaign and Strategize.
4.        Branch Committee Nominations/ Positions to be filled.
5.        Treasury Report.
6.        Any other business.

The meeting commenced at 1400hrs

1.    Introduction
Olivia welcomed everyone and asked each participant to introduce themselves and their portfolios in their respective branches. Once finished, Olivia checked on how everyone was fairing in the lockdown and if everyone had all the support they needed. Everyone confirmed they were generally ok but will reach out if anything flags up or if other things were too private.

2. Confirmation and adoption of minutes of previous meeting
Alvina was asked to report on the minutes from our last meeting. All members agreed they were a true
record and they were adopted as such. 

3.  Discuss Campaign and Strategize
Following the launch of the #StopViolenceAgainstWomen campaign which we rolled out last month, ROHR Scotland branch decided to zoom in on the campaign and focus on Rape and Sexual violence. It is evident there is so much ground to be covered as the violence and violations in Zimbabwe are showing no signs of abating. During an awareness campaign of activism against gender violence, the chairperson of the Zimbabwe Gender Commission, Margaret Sangarwe reported that at least 20 women were raped daily in Zimbabwe.

In light of that we came up with a “pants “campaign and communicated it across the Scotland branch membership. We also shared it with the wider UK ROHR Community. We felt each member would be able to execute with ease within their spaces, especially with limited resources considering we are still under lockdown. Each member contributed their individual message against Rape or Sexual violence that would collectively be used in this campaign. We gave each other timelines and by the time of the meeting, every member of the Scotland Branch had come back to the Secretary with their contributions, save for a few members from other branches that had asked for a bit more time. Alvina (Secretary) has passed all the pictures to the Organising Secretary (Vongayi) who confirmed the pictures have been passed for editing.

We announced that our sub-campaign video will roll out tomorrow (Sunday 19th July 2020), pending availability of the Information & Publicity department for publication across all ROHR platforms. Alvina encouraged everyone to share the video when it comes out tomorrow as widely as we can and reported that the numbers who watched our launch campaign video on the 6th June 2020 keep rising as we are still sharing. 

Vongayi asked the visiting members to carry the message back to their respective branches and encourage their fellow branch members to also take part in our campaign.

Olivia approached the males on our platform to ask them to support us on this campaign. They both confirmed to have received the memo from the Alvina. Mr Karimanzira gave his apologies and said he has so much work and would not be able to meet our deadline. Vengayi also said his is in the pipeline.  

The chair acknowledged Nontokozo who opted in and thanked her for joining this campaign.
She is to run around to get her pictures done by end of day today.

Mr Panyika Karimanzira, who is holding the fort for the UK Information & Publicity portfolio, asked the Secretary (Alvina) to ensure the video is accompanied by a write-up, which will help him immensely. If left to him to do the write-up, it may delay our release dates as he is saddled with a lot of work now.

Alvina suggested that we could perpetuate the #StopViolenceAgainstWomen campaign by posting the same Pants Campaign pictures along with a short statement and that can go on the blog. Examples or ideas are on our blog, like we did with #RestoreDontIgnore campaign.

There is no deadline for the blog participation, each member just needs to forward their individual statements to the Secretary before sending for Publicity as and when they have done them.

4. Branch Committee Nominations/ Positions to be filled
Olivia announced the positions that are yet to be filled and put them out to our latest member of the branch- Thenjiwe Ndlovu. Olivia explained the importance of each of the vacant positions and highlighted the most important being the Information & Publicity Secretary. Thenjiwe volunteered for the role and all present witnessed and backed these nominations and the position was filled. Thenjiwe expressed that as the newest member, she would need help and was reassured that we will all work together to ensure she feels supported in the role until she is well and truly confident.

5. Treasury Report
Harriet Ndlovu, on behalf of the treasury, encouraged all members to make their monthly subscriptions. She reported how much money we have in our coffers, including a further £70 that has been raised so far by herself(£20) and Alvina(£50) towards our last month’s project- supporting the Kids Breakfast in Epworth in what we hope will be an ongoing venture for the foreseeable future.
Vengayi Mutsawu asked when the deadlines for our next contributions would be for this and Vongayi confirmed we are still fundraising and have no specific date in mind so far. We will send when we have collected a decent figure towards the Kitchen.  

6. Any other business
Olivia encouraged everyone to take it in turns to chair the meetings so that we can all learn and be able to help each other out if any one of us is in indisposed. Several members have expressed they would find it hard to do so but we have reiterated that we all started somewhere, we will support each other where necessary. On that note, Thenjiwe Ndlovu volunteered to chair the next meeting.

Alvina asked Mr Karimanzira to explain the differences between subscriptions and membership fees as there were a few members- old and new, who were finding the lines very blurry. He clearly explained the importance of keeping one’s subscription up to date as it is proactively managed, including 3 signatories for anything subscription related to make sure we run a watertight and transparent process.

Mavis mentioned how new members like herself can easily lose track of their subscriptions as there is so much going on. Mr Karimanzira responded by saying that himself and Mr Mapfumo have a record of each member and they will send each member their dates so that they can keep track of it themselves.

Pictures were being taken throughout the course of the meeting. 

Olivia announced the date of next meeting to be the 15th August 2020

Having exhausted all agenda items and AOB, Olivia declared the meeting closed at the end of the 40minutes on zoom at 14:40 hrs.

By: Information & Publicity Department

20 July 2020




19th July 2020,

This video features female members of Restoration of Human Rights (ROHR) Zimbabwe, namely Vongayi Mufara, Marciline Mercy Mzondiwa, Alvina Chibhamu, Thenjiwe Ndlovu, Olivia Chamboko, Harriet Ndlovu, Nontokozo Malaba Ncube, Mavis Harrison Tshuma, Linda Chenyama and Delina Mutyambizi.

As a follow up to the campaign #StopViolenceAgainstWomen which launched last month on the 7th June 2020, the Scotland Branch of ROHR Zimbabwe, joined by other members from the wider ROHR community, has proceeded to tackle one arm of the umbrella campaign. The focus is on Sexual torture and rape against women.

According to the chairperson of the Zimbabwe Gender Commission, Margaret Sangarwe, “Twenty two women are raped daily in Zimbabwe, one woman is abused every 75 minutes and an average of 646 women are being sexually-abused monthly and one in three girls is raped or sexually assaulted before they reach the age of 18”.

While violence against women is rampant in the country, what is most alarming and disturbing is the fact that the very entities meant to protect women against such atrocities are the very same ones committing the crimes.

Sexual abuse of women is being used by the ruling party as a political tool.
The National Army, the Police and State Security agents have been and continue to be used by the ruling party –Zanu-PF to suppress citizens and preserve its partisan and narrow political interests.

Section 25 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, states that;
The State and all institutions and agencies of government at every level must protect and foster the institution of the family and in particular must endeavour, within the limits of the resources available to them, to adopt measures for--
a.  the provision of care and assistance to mothers, fathers and other family members who have charge of children; and
b.  the prevention of domestic violence”.
There have been countless rape and sexual assault cases which, very sadly, are politically motivated. This is a blatant disregard and direct violation of the said section of the constitution of Zimbabwe. These incidents of state sponsored or state sanctioned violence are creating institutionalised intimidation, a tool to silence dissent.
Worse still victims that make official reports to the Police often face further violence from the perpetrators since the perpetrators are the same people one has to make a report to.
Because the perpetrators are state sponsored, victims face difficulties in seeking legal recourse and may face further persecution. All this is, quite frankly, a desperate effort or last kicks of ‘ED’-dying horse to cling onto power by all means without regard to the rights and welfare of the citizens.
Zimbabwe state security agents have continued these toxic acts with impunity.

We are appealing to the Zimbabwe government to deal with this hostile environment that exists for women in the country and stop the culture of violence against women which has become part and parcel of the political sphere. We continue to petition the international community to stop this culture of impunity

By ROHR Scotland Branch Committee

17 July 2020


17th July 2020

17th July 2020

#HumanRightsViolationsUnderEd Petition Launch Summary.

In the 2 and a half years since President Mnangagwa came into power human rights violations against the citizens of Zimbabwe have increased and are being perpetrated with impunity.
As at 17th July 2020, there have been at least 50 recorded murders, 30 recorded incidents of rape sanctioned by the state and committed by state agencies. Thousands have been beaten by the security forces and there have been hundreds of arrests and imprisonment of political and human rights activists on trumped up charges.
There have been thousands of state engineered displacements through wanton distruction of homes and small scale business premises.
Intimidation by state agencies and ZANU-PF members has become the norm. Citizens are literally under siege from the state. The general atmosphere in Zimbabwe is comparable to the Nazi era in German history in terms of the fear instilled in the population.
Corruption has reached new heights with the President’s family and their cronies being the main actors. Billions of dollars are disappearing from state coffers through acts of blatant corruption. The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe has been reduced to a mere conduit for grand theft of citizens’ hard earned savings by the political elite and their cronies whilst the average citizen wallows in poverty and lives on handouts from well wishers and the donor community.
Parliament has been stripped of its oversight role. Mnangagwa is ruling by decree and is pronouncing ad-hoc “statutes” overnight without due parliamentary process. The state has been captured and is now in the hands of a notorious cartel which features the President, his cronies and the military hierarchy.
The economy has literally collapsed due to a combination of ill informed government policies and high level corruption. The corruption has got to a level whereby billions of US dollars are siphoned from the state coffers in daylight, without approval from parliament. Bizarre as it may sound, it’s happening whilst we watch.
The health sector has collapsed and so has other essential services like water, sanitation, electricity and roads infrastructure.
The mining sector is now in the hands of the cartel and is now a haven for pillage and crime with Mnangagwa himself as the major player.
Agriculture has gone to the dogs and Zimbabwe has turned from being the bread basket of Africa to a basket case. Zimbabwe now relies on imports, mainly donations from the international community and remittances from its citizens in the diaspora.
The people of Zimbabwe are suffering with no end in sight. Elections offer no hope as the process is always manipulated in favour of ZANU-PF and the results are always rigged.
When citizens try to express their disapproval of the bad governance, through peaceful demonstrations the state resorts to violent repression. Apart from ordering the soldiers to shoot to kill, the state goes further way after demonstrations. It carries out a campaign of terror which sometimes entails the hounding of citizens through countrywide nocturnal door to door visits by state agents, soldiers and ZANU-PF youth brigade.
On the other hand, the government of Zimbabwe has the audacity to spend millions of dollars engaging international public relations firms (the likes of Mercury International UK, Ballard Partners, Avenue Strategies, and BTP Advisers) to lobby and spruce up its battered image instead of just changing its evil ways. This is a waste of our money and it’s like adding salt to injury. This is akin to applying lipstick to a pig.
If this situation is allowed to continue, we will perish. This is why we are launching a petition on the 20th of July 2020 and we are urging all Zimbabweans to sign the petition.
We shall be petitioning the SADC, the AU, the EU Parliament, UK Parliament, the US State Department and the UN Human Rights Commission to intercede with the President of Zimbabwe on behalf of Zimbabwean citizens. This is in order to stop brutal repression, bad governance, wanton human rights violations and corruption as well as to return to the rule of law in Zimbabwe.

16 July 2020

A CALL FOR ACTION ON 31st JULY 2020 by Mavis Harrison

16th July 2020

By Mavis Harrison nee Tshuma

We, the people of Zimbabwe have been subjected to dictatorship for too long, for four decades to be precise.

We have watched while the dictatorship spread its tentacles slowly but surely into all institutions that run all facets of our lives, firstly under Robert Mugabe and now under Emmerson Mnangagwa.

We allowed this to happen for too long until the state was captured. Now our country is in the hands of a cartel, led by the military, fronted by Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa, an unrepentant murderer and author of a genocide called Gukurahundi.

Since this man came into power, through a coup in November 2017, murder, abductions and many other forms of persecution of citizens have become the order of the day. More than 20 cases of direct and fatal shootings by the army and more than 50 cases of abductions by state agents have been recorded. This is over and above hundreds of cases of other forms of persecution which include rape as a political tool, random arrests on trumped-up charges, intimidation and displacements.

The economy is on its knees due to a combination of ill-informed government policies and high-level corruption. The corruption has got to a level whereby billions of US dollars are siphoned from the state coffers in daylight, without approval from parliament. Bizarre as it may sound, it’s happening whilst we watch.

The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe has become a conduit for grand theft by the political elite and their cronies whilst the average citizen wallows in poverty and lives on handouts from well-wishers and the donor community.

The health sector has literally collapsed and so has other essential services like water, sanitation, electricity and roads infrastructure.

The mining sector is now in the hands of the cartel and is now a haven for pillage and crime with Mnangagwa himself as the major player.

Agriculture has gone to the dogs and Zimbabwe has turned from being the breadbasket of Africa to a basket case. Zimbabwe now relies on imports, mainly donations from the international community.
I could go on and on analyzing sector by sector and the story of decay is repeated right across.

The people of Zimbabwe are suffering with no end in sight. Elections offer no hope as the process is always manipulated in favour of ZANU-PF and the results are always rigged.

Which brings us to the question, whitherto Zimbabwe?

My take on this is that we are going to have to go onto the street, to march and demand the resignation of Emmerson Mnangagwa and his entire government. The whole ZANU-PF must go so that we start on a clean slate.

If ever we are to dream of servant leadership, the return to the rule of law, respect for human rights, a functioning economy, an independent judiciary, a professional army, a professional Police force, a professional civil service, good governance, good public service and all the good we expect of our nation, we are going to have to take the bull by the horns.

31st July 2020 is the day that has been penciled for a countrywide demonstration by citizens regardless of political party affiliation.

Mine is a clarion call to all Zimbabweans to heed the call for mass action and march in our millions, demonstrating against the evil regime.

We demand an end to state-sponsored murders, abductions, torture, rape, intimidation and all other forms of persecution of citizens.

We demand an end to corruption by Mnangagwa and his cronies. We demand good governance.
We demand an independent Judiciary, an independent Electoral Commission, a non-partisan and professional Army, a non-partisan and professional Police Force. We demand non-partisan application of the law. We demand the release of members of the opposition and civil society activists who have been arrested on trumped-up charges. We demand the implementation of political reforms as advocated for by the Motlanthe Commission. We demand the upholding of all our rights and freedoms as prescribed by the Constitution of Zimbabwe, the African (Banjul) Charter on Human and People’s Rights and the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Above all, we demand the immediate resignation of Emmerson Mnangagwa and his government.
Enough is enough. Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa must go, come 31st July 2020.

#31st July 2020

About the author;-
Mavis Harrison is a human rights activist and a member of Restoration of Human Rights (ROHR) Zimbabwe’s UK Chapter. She is based in the United Kingdom and can be contacted by email on

05 July 2020


4th July 2020

When they became aware of an initiative to feed needy children in Epworth, a sprawling impoverished settlement of around 200 000 residents south east of Harare, Zimbabwe by Caroline Bushu and Sandra Chikwama, founders of “Our Children Our Hope Organization”, members of the Scotland branch of the UK Chapter of ROHR Zimbabwe decided to support the initiative in a practical way.

Caroline Bushu and Sandra Chikwama started the Kids Breakfast in Epworth, one of the many makeshift kitchens that sprung up across parts of Zimbabwe, at the onset of the Covid-19 induced lockdown early this year, 2020 after realising that children were literally starving due to the failure of their parents to fend for them due to the lockdown imposed by the government of Zimbabwe.

Donations from the international community that were meant to mitigate the consequences of the lockdown had not reached the intended beneficiaries. Most of the donations had been corruptly diverted and converted to personal use by the President of Zimbabwe’s family and his cronies, a routine that has become standard since the current President of Zimbabwe Emmerson Mnangagwa came into power courtesy of a coup in November 2017.

The Zimbabwean government typically failed to support citizens during the Covid-19 lockdown.

Initially, Caroline Bushu and Sandra Chikwama’s makeshift kitchen catered for a hundred or so children but the number soon swelled to thousands.

This led to the appeal to well wishers to assist with mobilizing resources to keep the kitchen going.

The Scotland branch of ROHR Zimbabwe’s UK Chapter heeded the call and immediately set about mobilizing resources to help keep the Kids Breakfast Kitchen in Epworth afloat. They decided to send the “little” that they had mobilsed within a short space of time whilst they are working out a broader fundraising strategy for this particular cause.

Topping the list of donations was the branch treasurer, Harriet Ndlovu who donated £40.
Other members of ROHR Zimbabwe who donated at short notice are Olivia Chamboko £30, Vengai Mutsawu £5, Linda Chenyama £5, Lilian Nleya £5, Alvina Chibhamu £10, Vongai Mufara £10, Thenjiwe Ndlovu £10, Abigail Wadzanayi Chidavayenzi £20, Laina Murape £10, Edward Rhappozzoh £10, Panyika Karimanzira £10, Delina Mutyambizi £10, Emma Josaya £10 and Mercy Ndlovu £10.

The money was used to buy groceries and arrangements were made for the supplier to deliver directly to the Kids Breakfast Kitchen in Epworth.

The delivery was done on Saturday 4th July 2020 and was witnessed by Harare based representatives of ROHR Zimbabwe. (See pictures and videos).

ROHR Zimbabwe representatives arrived at the kitchen’s opening time, 0730hrs. They witnessed the long winding queues of children and at times, accompanying adults, waiting to be fed till 0900hrs. They also witnessed the health and safety system in place. This involved marshalling, social distancing, wearing of masks and washing of hands among other things.

The delivery comprised;-
20  x 10kg hupfu (maize meal), 20 x 2kg sugar  and 20 x Dovi (peanut butter) small bottles

On the occasion Caroline Bushu appealed to the public for more donations of funds and other resources. Some of the donations would go towards the tightening and maintenance of measures against the spread of corona virus.
She mentioned more masks for the children, some waterproof mats for the children to sit on, tents and lunch boxes.
She also mentioned clean water which she said was now scarce and was fast becoming the main challenge in the provision of the feeding service.

Caroline Bushu thanked Restoration of Human Rights (ROHR) Zimbabwe for mobilizing resources and making the donation at such a short notice and said she was looking forward to working together in future to continue to provide this valuable service to the needy children of Epworth.

As at Saturday 4th July 2020, Caroline Bushu and Sandra Chikwama’s  Kids Breakfast in Epworth Kitchen was feeding 1120 (one thousand one hundred and twenty) children.

The Scotland branch of the UK Chapter of ROHR Zimbabwe hopes to continue mobilizing resources to support this initiative for the benefit of the struggling Epworth community.

Members of ROHR Zimbabwe who wish to donate towards this cause should contact the Organizing Secretary for the Scotland branch, Vongayi Mufara via the usual channels.

Members of the wider public who want to donate should contact Caroline Bushu via Facebook account (Carol Sandra) whose link is as follows;-

ROHR Zimbabwe would like to thank Salani Mutseyami for bringing the Kids Breakfast Kitchen in Epworth to ROHR Zimbabwe’s attention via Facebook and all members of ROHR Zimbabwe’s UK Chapter for mobilizing the resources that made the initial donation on Saturday 4th July 2020 possible and for continuing to mobilize for future donations to the Kids Breakfast Kitchen in Epworth.

Videos and pictures taken at the occasion can be viewed on ROHR Zimbabwe website, facebook, flickr, blogspot and YouTube.

Alternatively follow these links (copy and paste in your browser);-[0]=AZWouXH3zR9dVmB1_Mj2RX1ambjvz8j3xpWLBpDLlgMgnjT9sv7xBlFBvcRTxFcwbHrlNBkdh4ko-XL_GvzE-6LegXRxsv0rudjuAcu6HGWvmCYqYqp6Z-D8vxJQK_YEZjg&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R

By: Information & Publicity Department
Restoration of Human Rights (ROHR)Zimbabwe

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