
Thursday 20 June 2024


20th June 2024

World Refugee Day, designated by the United Nations in 2001, serves to raise awareness about the plight of refugees worldwide. It commemorates their resilience and courage in the face of adversity while promoting empathy and understanding among global communities.

For Zimbabweans, World Refugee Day holds particular significance as many have been forced to flee their homes due to economic hardships, political unrest, and human rights abuses. It serves as a reminder of the challenges faced by those seeking safety and opportunities abroad, highlighting the need for international solidarity and support in addressing these complex issues.

Like Robert Mugabe before him, Emmerson Mnangagwa's tyrannical leadership in Zimbabwe has caused undue suffering to citizens and compelled many citizens to seek refuge abroad. Under ZANU-PF leadership, the country has faced state-sponsored human rights abuses (murders, enforced disappearances, abductions, torture, incarceration, persecution etc.).

The human rights violations consequently affect vulnerable groups like the elderly, children and the girl child. These issues underscore a broader climate of insecurity and fear, prompting Zimbabweans to leave their homeland in search of safety and stability elsewhere.

Moreover, Zimbabwe currently grapples with a severe drought, exacerbating food insecurity and prompting Mnangagwa's administration to seek international aid despite the country's rich agricultural potential and mineral resources. This reliance on external assistance highlights a failure to harness Zimbabwe's capabilities for self-sufficiency and development effectively.

Any nation's leadership must prioritise taking good care of its citizens. This involves ensuring basic rights and freedoms and providing opportunities for education, employment, and healthcare. Effective governance should prioritise the well-being of all Zimbabweans, fostering an environment where every citizen feels secure, valued, and empowered to contribute to the nation's progress.

Sadly, Emmerson Mnangagwa focuses on retaining power at all costs, thereby piling misery on Zimbabwe’s citizens.

As we commemorate World Refugee Day today, Thursday, 20th June 2024, we spare a thought for all who have been forced to flee Zimbabwe and those who remain under the grip of Mnangagwa’s tyrannical and corrupt rule.

About the author
Renee Brenda Langa is a human rights activist based in the United Kingdom. She is the Secretary for Information & Publicity for the Midlands Branch of the UK Chapter of Restoration of Human Rights (ROHR) Zimbabwe.  She can be contacted by email at OR

1 comment:

  1. AnonymousJune 20, 2024

    Thank you for an informative piece!
